• #1027
Friday 21st Aug - 159.1 mi, 12:44:51 h, 4,921 ft
new attempt cumulative - 2,882.4 mi, 09:11:09:39 d, 81,406 ft
2015 cumulative - 38,560.4 mi, 128:03:40:32 d, 1,015,579 ft
• #1028
Saturday 22nd Aug - 216.9 mi, 19:22:07 h, 6,440 ft
Sunday 23rd Aug - 29.9 mi, 05:11:21 h, 725 ft
new attempt cumulative - 3,129.2 mi, 10:11:43:07 d, 88,571 ft
2015 cumulative - 38,807.2 mi, 129:04:13:00 d, 1,022,744 ft
• #1029
Sunday 23rd Aug - 29.9 mi, 05:11:21 h, 725 ft
He took five hours for 30 miles? Is that correct?
• #1030
He's ill
1 Attachment
• #1031
Monday 24th Aug - 129.9 mi, 12:10:52 h, 2,723 ft
new attempt cumulative - 3,259.1 mi, 10:23:53:59 d, 91,294 ft
2015 cumulative - 38,937.1 mi, 129:16:24:52 d, 1,025,467 ft
• #1032
Tuesday 25th Aug - 143.5 mi, 12:21:15 h, 3,694 ft
new attempt cumulative - 3,402.6 mi, 11:12:15:14 d, 94,988 ft
2015 cumulative - 39,080.6 mi, 130:04:46:07 d, 1,029,161 ft
• #1033
Wonder if there's a record for distance climbed in a year?
• #1034
i dunno, but with over a million ft so far SA must be a contender
• #1035
Wednesday 26th Aug - 162.0 mi, 13:28:32 h, 4,163 ft
new attempt cumulative - 3,564.6 mi, 12:01:43:46 d, 99,151 ft
2015 cumulative - 39,242.6 mi, 130:18:14:39 d, 1,033,324 ft
• #1036
Updated the spreadsheet (https://goo.gl/RBHtiS) to date for Steve and Kurt, and made a few minor changes to it.
• #1037
Thursday 27th Aug - 192.7 mi, 13:42:02 h, 4,557 ft
new attempt cumulative - 3,757.3 mi, 12:15:25:48 d, 103,708 ft
2015 cumulative - 39,435.3 mi, 131:07:56:41 d, 1,037,881 ft
• #1038
Friday 28th Aug - 202.2 mi, 13:45:04 h, 3,967 ft
new attempt cumulative - 3,959.5 mi, 13:05:10:52 d, 107,675 ft
2015 cumulative - 39,637.5 mi, 131:21:41:45 d, 1,041,848 ft
• #1039
Saturday 29th Aug - 200.5 mi, 14:55:31 h, 3,806 ft
new attempt cumulative - 4,160.0 mi, 13:20:06:23 d, 111,481 ft
2015 cumulative - 39,838.0 mi, 132:12:37:16 d, 1,045,654 ft
• #1040
Sunday 30th Aug - 203.9 mi, 14:03:39 h, 3,524 ft
new attempt cumulative - 4,363.9 mi, 14:10:10:02 d, 115,005 ft
2015 cumulative - 40,041.9 mi, 133:02:40:55 d, 1,049,178 ft
• #1041
Monday 31st Aug - 200.8 mi, 14:24:27 h, 2,976 ft
new attempt cumulative - 4,564.7 mi, 15:00:34:29 d, 117,981 ft
2015 cumulative - 40,242.7 mi, 133:17:05:22 d, 1,052,154 ft
• #1042
Tuesday 1st Sep - 202.4 mi, 14:37:48 h, 4,009 ft
new attempt cumulative -4,767.1 mi, 15:15:12:17 d, 121,990 ft
2015 cumulative - 40,445.1 mi, 134:16:30:53 d, 1,056,163 ft
• #1043
• #1044
Shit, no way! Hope he recovers health, morale and motivation.
Although I'm obviously rooting for the plucky Brit to eventually claim the record.
• #1045
Oof... After 230 days I imagine it really drags. Still, this is a massive mental challenge and this is where it counts. Good luck to him, and I hope he can get it together. 230days of effort is a lot to throw away.
Come on Steve!
• #1046
TG also suffering existential angst (from YACF today):
I thought I was on for a better mileage yesterday but seemed to get a big sugar crash in the last few hours which really hammered the speed.
Maybe do better today?
Still haven't shaken off the lurgy but it seems to be clearing up very well.
I was thinking of restarting in July.
I would like it to end one day and a year is already plenty never mind 20 months.
I do need to be doing more but only if I can do that without going backwards soon after. -
• #1047
Wednesday 2nd Sep - 219.5 mi, 14:22:33 h, 5,564 ft
new attempt cumulative -4,986.6 mi, 16:05:34:50 d, 127,554 ft
2015 cumulative - 40,664.6 mi, 134:22:05:43 d, 1,061,727 ft
• #1048
87bpm average HR for a 26.4kph average speed. Blimey.
• #1049
My HR is typically in the 85-88 range when I turn on the Garmin after faffing about getting ready for a ride.
• #1050
Thursday 3rd Sep - 214.8 mi, 14:51:22 h, 3,789 ft
new cumulative attempt - 5,201.4 mi, 16:20:26:12 d, 131,343 ft
2015 cumulative - 40,879.4 mi, 135:12:57:05 d, 1,065,516 ft
Wednesday 19th Aug - 195.7 mi, 14:32:46 h, 8,194 ft
Thursday 20th Aug - 186.4 mi, 14:48:03 h, 4,573 ft
new attempt cumulative - 2,723.3 mi, 08:22:24:48 d, 76,485 ft
2015 cumulative - 38,401.3 mi, 127:14:55:41 d, 1,010,658 ft