• #6152
Forgot to take the registration number of a total cocksprocket who failed to give way on a roundabout but had a million reasons as to why she wasn't in the wrong.
I decided to tell her I'd already forgiven her but she should go home and pray to God to learn to be more humble and accept her own failings. Afterwards I felt bad playing the religion card but I couldn't believe someone who has enough faith to wear a hijab would act like such a twunt.
• #6153
I've never bothered with Roadsafe before but reported a driver for dangerous driving and a punishment pass. Best thing? Because I was 'riding in the middle of the road' ( door and a bit more going by parked cars) his passenger had decided to video my 'illegal' activity shortly before the self righteous twat decided to cut me up on a corner - a pinch point with a bollard and trafic island just before. I'm sure the police will do fuck all, because in the grand scheme of things it's small beer but it really made me angry.
The thing that angered me most (I seeinconsiderat driving on a regiular basisi) was the desire to bully someone/cause them injury when driving a large vehicle but when you catch up to them 40m down the road as there is a stationary queue they wind up the windows and video it because they are too fucking scared to do anything else about it. Cu*ts. (sorry - just thinking about it now winds me up) -
• #6154
Report it to Road Safe, chance are they're likely to contact the driver and again, chance that the driver will be excited enough to provide videos of your "illegal" activity to the police.
• #6156
Amusing. But in all seriousness what the fuck kind of reporting is that? Check those quotes out!
• #6157
"He was like 'what the f**k'. They all had a good laugh. Apparently the lady was pretty fit."
Accidental Partridge?
• #6158
woman filmed watching masterchef while driving a car by man driving a car. everyone's a fucking idiot! hooray!
• #6159
30 minutes ago
Idiots. I think it's only sensible to have retests every 5 years. I bet neither of them were wearing helmets either.You guys is funneh
• #6160
(Fingers crossed the next story is about a woman driver that crashes [harmlessly] whilst pleasuring herself to an episode of Masterchef)
• #6161
3points, 6 if she is unlucky, they won't stop her driving.
• #6162
James Martin gets killed while presenting Masterchef by a driver who smashes into the studio and then starts masturbating.
• #6163
There's a guaranteed BAFTA in that.
Make it happen.
• #6164
TakuSangh1 minute ago
somes peeples is maks sasxys lovs ins cars alsos!amaez
• #6165
Whilst presenting Master Chef, a unicycling James Martin is killed by an HGV driven by Jason Wells (owner of Brew Cafe), who then proceeds to masturbate over the crumpled corpse. Wells is susbequently cautioned and loses his license for 30 days.
Le Fin.
• #6166
To Monkey Tennis with you.
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/175735/ -
• #6167
Filmed by helmet cam in cinema verite style I hope?
• #6169
So calm.
• #6170
Much Austin Powers.
Edit: actually, it's all pretty quick. Impressive reflexes from the rider.
• #6171
Sadly it could not be said the same to other who perished due to driver using those vehicles in London.
• #6172
Fuck me, that's scary :-(
• #6173
That's what happens when a truck driver is so concerned about cyclists in his blind spot that he forgets to look where he's going.
• #6174
Have we had Brenda yet?
• #6175
^ To be fair, she owns the grass as well as the roads.
Van driver on Hyde Road/Pitt Street, overtook directly into a traffic island, with another rider in front about two bike lengths away. You couldn't have done it in a Smart car and been safe, less a LWB transit.
Upon remonstration, he claimed that I was 3 feet away from the kerb and denied it was his responsibility to overtake safely.
Offered for him to get out his van and show him what a foot was. He declined.