• #35702
If my half-listening to the radio is right, Gideon has announced VED to be ringfenced for road infrastructure spending... Does this mean an end to all of the 'road tax' comment retorts?
And, more importantly, does this mean more delays to infrastructure projects while the implications are reviewed by Whitehall / local authorities / etc.
• #35703
^^^ gah - beaten to it again!
• #35704
road tax is back, baby!
wonder if i can get a rebate for all the times i don't use my car and use the bike instead? probably not.
• #35705
Just heard a chap on Radio 5 call it 'vehicle exercise duty'- bless - it's a nice image though!
• #35706
I changed my retort a bit ago. I now say, 'I do mate, got an M3 innit' on the basis that the kind of wankers that shout 'you don't pay road tax' would probably love to own an one and pay less VED than an M3 owner.
I don't own an M3 or say innit in any other situation.
• #35707
'i pay road tax... on your mum'
• #35708
might try that one out
• #35709
...with ya dad watching
• #35710
u wot m8?
• #35711
• #35713
is the living wage the same as minimum wage? will employers be forced to pay it?
• #35714
I've always thought that the "'road tax' isn't hypothecated" argument was a weak one anyway. The figures show that VED + fuel duty brings in way more than is spent on the roads (by both central and local governments). The argument should be along the lines of "so what? it still doesn't mean that buys you any extra entitlement to the roads."
If you really do want to talk about VED then best to push the emissions based argument.
• #35715
preferred the your mum argument tbh
• #35716
Living wages and minimum wages are two huge difference.
Minimum is literally that, which have barely changed in the last decades.
IMHO, minimum wages should be replaced by living wages.
• #35718
"using a pollution tax to build moar roads!"
the tory party.
• #35719
your mum has emissions
• #35721
Yes, for over 25s only.
• #35722
Because obviously those under 25 don't need to live #torylogic
• #35723
That non-debate was beautiful to watch on the Facebooks on the Irish (ROI) referendum.
Clearly however Barnaby hasn't heard of Benji the gay bull...who got a lot of donations to save his, eh, bacon?
(Gay marriage is still not legal in NI, we are part of the UK, so it's going through the courts. Devolved justice is the worst idea ever if you are ruled by morons)
• #35724
why is it that when they give us a " free handout " in the budget it always stated as starting in 2016 or 2017
when it's a new tax or rise in duty on beer or fags it happens at midnight / immediately
• #35725
stamp duty changes in the last budget started immediately.
Was perfect timing for me.
really? Fuck!