• #152
I didn't have any swelling or discolouration with mine. Good to note the symptoms though so other peeps might be able to recognise it sooner.
• #153
Hmm... niggling calf pain is back. Not sure if DeathClot™ or just position change on road bike. Second day off bike and doesn't appear to be improving, much like the OG DVT.
• #154
Yep, fucking called it. Another DVT in my left calf, slightly different location I think. But this time, no flights so basically my body is indeed trying to kill me now. Had blood taken and chest x-ray and need to get more tests done but I'm back on the self-injecting and will likely be back on warfarin by the end of the week. Awesome!
• #155
oh fucksticks mate :(
• #156
Not good :-/
• #158
Stopped on 1 March, the same day I ploughed my skull into the road. I think I've been in hospitals longer than I've been asleep this year.
• #159
Good training for when you start a family & have kids.
• #160
My kids won't be allowed in hospitals. Survival of the fittest au naturale.
• #162
home birth of Spartan mini-Hippys.You haven't discussed this with your significant other, have you?
Bad luck on the clot, but sooner in the calf than elsewhere.
• #163
There was a guy in their who said you can argue your way onto the other ones - gaba or whatever.
"I wonder which drug you are going to be put on? It depends unfortunately on your local CCG (comissioning group that decides how money is spent - unfortunately NHS services still remain a postcode lottery for some) but you could ask - if not offered - for rivaroxaban or dabigatran - my preference would be rivaroxaban as pts complain of more gastric reflux type symptoms with dabigatran. These are all "new" anticoagulant drugs - as opposed to the traditional warfarin. The main drawback is there is no reversal agents for them... they all essentially extend the time that blood takes to clot so bleeding is the main risk - however warfarin can be reversed but the newer drugs (riv and dab) they cannot be reversed. It all depends on your outlook on life as to whether you see this as a concern for you or not - at the end of the day whether you bleed on warfarin or riv or dab the hole has to be found and plugged! Most importantly it is important to remember that none of them make you bleed, but if you do bleed you bleed for longer. All of this will be explained to you I'm sure. Also with Rivaroxaban and Dabigatran they do not need regular blood test monitoring that warfarin requires - so in terms of not interferring with work they are far less hassle."
Time to open one of my natural blood thinner cans I think...
• #164
Well, if it was in my brain it would've fuck all but I guess better calf than lungs.
• #165
Anyone on any of the other drugs (not warfarin)?
I want to see if I can get on Rivaroxaban so I don't need a weekly hospital visit for INR - I'm a contractor with a fucking mortgage to pay - I'd rather risk the clot death than fuck around in the INR clinic again.
• #166
you're in wrong area of contracting!
thankfully back to monthly INR sampling
• #167
What do you mean? I mean, if I'm not at work I get no money. Also, fucking off every week doesn't look great and doesn't help me get shit done. Basically, they can do one. I'm not doing it again.
• #168
tied to site vs remote consultancy - you have much to learn young padowan..
i hope you can get on riva; have you thought about an ivc filter plug-in if you want to get away from medication?
• #169
What is an ivc filter plug-in?
• #170
If they insist on warfarin and I can't get my GP to sort me out an alternative then I could buy a Coagucheck machine (~£350) and do the INR tests myself.
• #172
Coffee filter?
• #173
"Their effectiveness and safety profile is not well established, and in general, they are only recommended in some high-risk scenarios"
"Of these IVC filter side effects, 328 involved device migration, 146 involved embolizations after detachment of device components, 70 involved perforation of the IVC, and 56 involved filter fracture. Much of the medical community believes that this large number of adverse events is related to the heart filter remaining in place for longer than necessary."
Out. Well out.
• #175
damn, my fiendish plan is foiled by data..
Painful lumps that coincided with a varicose vein and where I'd hit my leg with a pedal on my calf on Friday, but bit of swelling and redness down by the ankle miles away from that. No agony just thought it was bruising (didn'y actually bruise) but escalated to "mild strain" level of pain only.
Calf sizes almost identical so nothing as crazy as a full blown DVT.