• #9927
Bums. No excuses.
So just before a tropical thunderstorm is optimum?
• #9928
what's the protocol on not getting into an open, do you normally receive a start sheet either way?
No, you just get a notification that your entry has been unsuccessful. In the olden days, you'd get your entry form and cheque back through the post.
• #9929
There is no fail.
• #9930
Oh but there is. I think I'll probably prove it later. I haven't ridden more than 7 miles for a month and haven't done more than a few hundred yards on tri bars evah.
Still, I'll defo win my class as every other fecker turns up with gears.
• #9931
So you're fresh. PB or die tryin'. GangstaTT4lyfs
• #9932
No, because as others have said, hot is good. But you have a much better excuse - never ridden with tri-bars, need to adapt, tweak position, optimise aero v. biomech balance, blah blah blah. Plenty of potential for excuses there.
• #9933
Aerobars on, no excuses valid.
• #9934
Is this the ...a3crg event on the 13th? If so, they are excellent organisers so you'll get it in good time.
• #9935
Eh? Aerobars = whole world of new excuses. Anyway, they obviously don't make that much difference, because a chap on a normal road bike beat me by 2 minutes on Tuesday evening's club 25.
• #9936
yes, sure they are well organised, its just as its a monday and 2 hours from the office, i need to make some plans for an urm meeting in the area that day if im in....!
• #9937
I had a mechanical and dnf. :(
I managed about a mile before I had to clamber up a stinger infested bank and through a hedge to get off the dual carriageway and walk back to the start.
F2A is 4 miles out and 6 back and there was a steady tail wind for the return so I think some fast times will be set.
Tri bars were ok but I definitely need practice, once I start wobbling it all gets a bit tense.
I fixed the bike and ttd the 8.8 miles home at 26mph (wind asst).
• #9938
Still won my class of course.
As did the bloke on the Lotus Boardman bike. Proper class.
• #9939
What was the mechanical? What did your subconcious forget to tighten?
• #9940
Lozzle. The drivetrain was making worrying jingly jangly noises and I didn't fancy it letting go and me going under a truck.
It seems it was just the rear axle in le olde Comete. I loosened the NDS nut, tightened the axle on to the bearing a turn and it went away. It wasn't doing it on the ride out. Or at least not that I noticed. And what the jangling was I don't know, maybe the wheel rocking causing the chain to rattle.
I guess I probably could have finished, but it's a hairy old dual carriageway nowadays and I didn't feel comfortable keeping going.
• #9941
What's your 25 LTS?
• #9943
55t Dura Ace chainring
Still available? Would be handy if I decide to borrow my sister-in-law's Omnomnoms.
• #9944
Sold I'm afraid
• #9945
I had a mechanical
A tried & tested excuse: sometimes the old ones are the best.
56/13 would breakdown again
• #9946
Later I will photograph and send you the stings on my legs where I had to climb over a nettly bank to get off the dual carriageway.
• #9947
That's the least you deserve for your abort. How very dare you! Dog house >>>
• #9948
Hutch done a 19. I think I would have too given the favourable conditions. Probably.
• #9949
• #9950
As a matter of regulation, start sheets should go out by first class post not less than 5 days before the event. IE emails should go out at the same time.