Cheers for the feedback.
The Comps do look good. I'll keep an eye out for any offers.
I read the exact same regarding Dugast. Ultimately I'll probably og back to Veloflex. They seem to work brilliantly for me. I'm just a sucker for trying New stuff.
The FMBs look in great shape. The rear profile has flattened some, yet still rides perfectly. The front is a silk competition CX, which has seen far more rain than it should have (I wouldnt have chosen silk for my riding. But a it was delivered by mistake, and I couldnt say no). That looks in good shape too. So the expensive nature of FMBs, is pretty much just the initial outlay. They have proved to last as well as any other race tub I've used.
I think I've failed to collect any Challenge branded tyres (yet) :-)
One may not need the protection but having robust tyres does not hurt. They are popular in peleton for good reason.
Contis always had good grip but the "Black Chili" compound is really nice..
Don't know about Dugast anymore.. Used to be the best but the new brand is quite different from the old. For old school road tyres at the price point I'd kept to FMBs...
2000 km is not bad for a set of light tyres. Beyond 2-3k almost any tyre has pretty much elected itself for retirement in glory.