mine also cost a tenner from px like @miro_o
good stem, stiff ,not too heavy
yes the plastic cover will split and there is a little rubber bung which is a pain to remove to get to the stem bolt. -
It took me a couple of hours to catch up the last six months in this thread
and i'm happy that i found the most of you in great shape.The status stem is a nice part, not so stiff as the record 83 but nice.
The cover bolt is a fault that no one expects from 3ttt and splits the cover
when you try to tighten it a little more than it needs.
I try to save the covers using black silicone instead of the bolt,
something that works but still a pain when you try to make adjustments...
Currious about this stem.
Does anyone have any experience?
I'd like one, but I'm worried the plastic might break. Am I being unduly concerned?