• #11477
I kinda meant "toward" ... a bit inaccurate but you're correct it's Grosvenor Rd.
To my eyes it looks like they have much less space in which to travel straight ahead. It'd work better if the cycle lane had solid lines where motorists were not allowed to enter and would have to give way to those going straight ahead instead of those forcing their way across the cycle lane to turn left. Better still stagger the lights to allow cyclists to get through then engines.
Unless I've got something massively wrong.... -
• #11478
So it's a temp cluster fuck?
• #11479
Yes, looks that way, will just have to see how it works out I guess.
I need more time to stare at the plans but I've got to go...
• #11480
double post.
• #11481
Ah, it looks like motor vehicles will be banned from turning left from Millbank onto Vauxhall Bridge. Cycles will be able to use the diagonal cut across from Millbank onto Vauxhall Bridge.
That's not what's in the diagram, the inside West Bound lane, coloured blue, has a left turn arrow in it...
• #11482
See ninja edit...
• #11483
Last week coming up to the first junction s of blackfriars bridge. There is an asz at the lights with me and about 15 other cyclists (its 5pm)
I'm on the left and as I haven't been through this junction before I didnt know that the light goes green to go left before you can go straight ahead. I'm going ahead but the coach behind me needs to go left and gives me a honk. I realise whats going on and move over. But still he keeps honking: he's actually overlapping the central lane and needs more cyclists to move over a bit. Cue a deluge of self righteous abuse. You're in the wrong f-ing lane, someone even shouted 'you're shit' like we were in the school playground. People love 'being in the right' so they can shout rude words in public. Thing is he needs to be out a bit so he doesn't clip the corner, possibly killing any cyclist who is stupid enough to undertake at that point. I didn't work this out until after but I didn't hurl any abuse either. I can see what some motorists moan about. Tossers.
• #11484
I posted this rant on Facebook this morning -
Many cyclists hug the left hand side because poor road design and the prejudice of drivers who believe they should be in the gutter leads them to believe this is the right thing to do. Combine that with ASL boxes that encourage cyclists to filter up the left to the front and you have a situation that encourages inexperienced cyclists to put themselves in the most dangerous position possible. Educating cyclists is important, yes, but so is road design and road culture. And we have a culture in which cyclists are castigated as reckless outlaws for traffic infractions that actually cause very little harm to others, while fining car drivers for their infractions is seen as illegitimate stealth taxation. Speeding can kill, using a phone while driving can kill - and these behaviours are treated as normal despite being illegal. Combine that with the use in narrow central London of large trucks with poor visibility, lax policing of drivers' licence status, and piece-work payment that encourages them to drive quickly and aggressively so as to maximise the number of trips they do in a day, and we get these tragedies.
Cyclists are to blame for being killed by tipper trucks because some sometimes jump lights? Bullshit.I generally think our roads are set up so that the inexperienced are at a high risk of getting killed, and yelling at them isn't the solution. IMHO. Even though some tit on a bike knocked me off mine a couple of weeks back by being a tit. We shouldn't even have that aggression between cyclists on the road - it's shitty road culture that is the problem.
So, I think, why not be nice? Be part of the solution.
And, group hug.
• #11485
It "sounds" like the coach couldn't move due to the volum of traffic (cyclists) this happens a lot on narrow junctions with cars turning right impeding those going straight on for example. Would the driver of the coach have been sounding is horn at other car in the same circumstances, less likely I would think. He sounds like a self entitled twat who needs to wait to perform his turn, I'd love to be able to scream at every car that stops me In similar circumstances but I don't. But there again I wasn't there
• #11486
Would the driver of the coach have been sounding is horn at other car in the same circumstances, less likely I would think.
Well no, there'd be no point, cars can't shuffle sideways to get out of the way.
• #11487
Some pretty poor cyclist behaviour here.
• #11488
Yeah ... I assume the coach was stationary, but even if he wasn't it doesn't sound like a situation he should sounding his horn repeatedly
The horn. Use only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence. Never sound your horn aggressively. You MUST NOT use your horn
while stationary on the road
when driving in a built-up area between the hours of 11.30 pm and 7.00 am
except when another road user poses a danger. -
• #11489
black cab driver leaning on his hooter and tailgaiting twenty plus cyclists in the bus lane on the A23 this morning. didnt like it when we all got to the lights around the same time and some bloke tapped on his window and yelled 'BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP CUNT!' an inch from his face.
i leld
• #11490
Don't know the road in question but the picture clearly shows it's 2 way for traffic - the photo may not show the correct section though
Having had many peds step out in front of me without looking perhaps we should wait for a more balanced version of events."Gina, thinking it safe to cross while the traffic was at a standstill, stepped out into the road."
• #11491
Rolling slowly up to the red light at the East Street junction this morning, a proper crazy posh old lady starts yelling at me "STOOOOOOP STOOOOP YOU NEED TO STOP! If you run me down you'll be in prison in 2minutes." I had stopped! All I could do was point at the line and laugh nervously, I could justify retaliating to an old crazy person. It made everyone in the street turn and look at me as if I was about to nick her pension money. Worst still, a city sprint courier rolled through the red just as she got to the other pavement.
• #11492
Yeah ... I assume the coach was stationary, but even if he wasn't it doesn't sound like a situation he should sounding his horn repeatedly
Similarly wasn't there, but have been present in situations where a motor vehicle is surrounded by bikes at a red light, light changes, driver waits for all cyclists to go, then lights change to red again. Then a new set of cyclists filter up and the whole thing repeats ad infinitum...
• #11493
I had similar on the Regents Canal path near Islington recently. Posh entitled-sounding old lady positioned herself to minimise the useable path around her, I pulled to the left between two mooring bollards and stopped (with her probably 5 metres away so well in advance) to let her pass. As she got closer she called, imperiously; "I'm sorry to say that you are going far too fast!".
Quoth I; "I'm stationary".
No response from the old bat.
• #11494
This one had some proper mental health issues. The worst part was she looked properly terrified.
• #11495
That's the nature of traffic in London, it never stops. Perhaps the motorist will think its time I got a bike, or more likely just dish out a few indiscriminate punishment passes to ease the bruised ego.
• #11496
disappointed there isn't a comments section, I had my bingo card at the ready.
• #11497
What? That makes no sense.
• #11498
It's difficult to believe that only yesterday the news was full of stories about tipper trucks at peak times and the Bank junction bike demonstration, which obviously meant nothing to the guy on Lambeth Bridge this morning. Tipper truck going north, reaching the zebra crossing at the end, slows to a stop. I'm in the cycle lane on the inside, so also stop behind him so I can see the driver in his mirror and so not in his blind spot (yes bruv, cycle training it work good!). Guy on a hybrid behind me shouts "what you waiting for!" at me, skittles past me, down the inside on the truck which is just pulling off. He makes it past (more out of luck than skill) flies into the roundabout and does a right, and nearly gets t-boned by a car that is going straight into Horseferry Road. Cue lots of horn firing and shouting. I rode past feeling safe, a little smug, and thinking "why is he wearing a hoodie in this weather?"
• #11499
What I’m trying to say is that I don’t see a problem with motorists being delayed even a couple of changes of lights because they’re surrounded by cyclists. In reality I can’t see this happening on more than one occasion as the motorist will just bully their way through the cyclists once they’ve been delayed for one change of the lights. It’s only an issue in a couple of cycling hot spots like London where cyclist are becoming a collective force of numbers on the roads.
Regardless, you shouldn't be repeatedly firing your horn at people because you think their stopping you moving off from a set of lights.
• #11500
Yep this is true. If you took those twenty cyclist and put them in cars, ahead of the car in question then they would have to wait a few light changes as the snake of cars inches forward.
"Oh but, the bikes keep getting to the front of the queue". Yes they do. And on fast A-roads the cars keep overtaking the bikes.
Appropriate vehicle for the environment = winning.
So, it'll be a bit of a clusterfuck until all of the works are done and the signs are updated.