Forgetting the numbers for a second, it depends on lots of stuff - how fresh were you going into each? Temperature? I've found same distance/duration rides can effect me during the week longer if I let myself get too dehydrated or don't eat as much. Recovery? Did you do the same thing after both? Life stress - were you more active at work? Getting less sleep? Financial troubles, love life troubles - all that shit can change physiological factors. There's a tonne more stuff that could change your feelings post ride.
That extra 40W of power spikiness could've made the difference to your dead legs. They're long rides so you could've been hitting harder shorter efforts, bringing up NP and doing more muscle damage but slowing down elsewhere so your KJ are similar at the end of both.
What's the IF for both rides?
All with power and using TSS
Z2 8hr/NP 225W/Av HR Z2.6/ Work 3,861KJ = TSS 349
Z4 6hr/NP 265W/Av HR Z4.3/Work 3,871KJ = TSS 296
Top ride didn't need any recovery really, bottom one took nearly a week to get over - it was true!