Thanks for that. Still so frikking stumped. The range they do is all appealing, and their road map is littered with the range I like. 14 to 60mm. But what!!
the 35 decked me out in low light. Drunk and handheld still gives crispy images, but always felt a bit cramped, and the OVF adjustment always got on my nerves.
27mm, yes please...oh wait, no aperture ring. Balls (I know, I know) but it's a killer.Leaving me with the ideal 23mm. Now that's interesting, till I found out how big it is. I can't really complain, but I really liked the lightweight setup with the 35mm and even wished for a bit smaller.
I'm going through that "one lense" only phase, so this complicates things a bit.
Why oh why couldn't they just produce that 23mm f2.0 on the x100.
I like the underrated 18mm (28mm equiv) because it's small and reasonably fast. The 35mm (50mm equiv) is hella sharp and draws really nicely. But if I were starting from scratch and didn't have an x100 as well I'd probably look to go 24/35/85 equivalent (16/23/56 in Fuji lens land), as it's all fast and sharp glass at a nice spacing.