• #11352
• #11353
Wow. Not to make light of, nor excuse in any way, the poor victim's experience, but it now appears getting knocked down grants you a Crimewatch reconstruction.
• #11354
Was called a dick-head this morning. My abrupt left turn might have had a lot to do with it.
Sorry about that
• #11356
Not really vicious is it? More like moment-young-bloke-throws- bit-of-a-rubbish-half-arsed-lunge-at-boris-bike-rider
• #11357
moment-young-bloke-throws- bit-of-a-rubbish-half-arsed-lunge-at-boris-bike-rider
That's a terrible headline!
• #11358
OK, so this was someone 'bulky' ...
• #11359
Fair play, dog owner is quite polite about it instead of going on a THEM CYCLISTS rant
• #11360
As above, bad things happened and he didn't instantly jump to 'those people', kudos.
So many muppets out with the sun though :/ Can very much see why some commercial/professional drivers have bouef.
• #11361
There's definitely something to be said for cycle training at schools.
Which they used to do everywhere I believe. Did Thatcher take those too, along with the milk? ;)
• #11362
Ha, probably! Anyone that votes conservative doesn't know their history or think they are rich. I did some cycling proficiency training a year early in school and it was great to then be allowed out on the roads by my mum at only about 11. I'm just over 30 now though and there were only a quarter of the cars there are now in my old neighbourhood streets alone.
• #11363
Which they used to do everywhere I believe. Did Thatcher take those too, along with the milk? ;)
I think they bought in Bikeability in 2007 to replace it - not sure what the uptake has been though
• #11364
Track-standing in the ASL box this morning. A chap squeezes up the inside of me but doesn't leave room for his pannier bag which clipped my front wheel. I managed to stay upright but it was some serious dickheadery.
His response to my querying his action was that he was going to walk across the road rather than wait at the lights. Why he couldn't dismount before trying to knock me off is beyond me. -
• #11365
"I thought it was just me!" goes round my head whenever someone mentions that scheme. I distinctly remember cycling proficiency.
I also remember swearing at a driver as I cycled the wrong way down the road from the school... and I remember having a head-on with a girl on a path because neither of us were looking where we were going.
But all in all, I guess the program helped ... just not sure how/when.
• #11366
#crimeriders ;)
• #11367
We had cycle proficiency at school it was brilliant, a day outside in the sunshine. Trying to run down the kids I didn't like... ah good times.
• #11368
I moved through a red light after being at a stand still so I could move up to the next set of lights. There was no one for miles and the cars were not moving.
I then get ranted at by some chump with a campag racing hat saying, "Thats why I'm not a cyclist and he is" because I went through a red on an empty road.
I didn't realise there was a code of conduct to be a cyclist, I thought having a bike made you cycle and that in turn made you a cyclist?
Maybe I'm wrong.
• #11369
I also call people out for running reds, although I don't think insults are necessary when doing so.
• #11370
I agree on the jumping reds thing but not all junctions are the same. Some junctions its safer for a cyclist to go through a red and others, at certain points of the day, there is no need to sit there for minutes on end whilst no one does anything.
As far as the insult, it was hardly an insult. I see my self As a man with a bike. Being a cyclist is something that comes with that. -
• #11371
Law's the law, and saying it's safer to jump a red light is not an excuse.
• #11372
it's even safer to get off your bike and push. you should do that.
• #11373
Yes, constable. Sorry constable.
You've never broken the law?!
• #11374
Edscoble is the law
• #11375
If you get off and gallop Johnny Law can't touch you.