You probably want the wheelbuilding thread, where at least one of the pro builders likes to slag off the lighter Novatecs due to titchy bearings, a sentiment with which I concur regardless of whose weight-weenie hubs we're discussing. You'll also find suggestions for 20/24H rims, such as H+Son Archetype and Kinlin XC279.
Cheers, have read the last 40-ish pages of the wheel building thread. Weird dichotomy where it seems to take people just an hour to build a wheel, but within that hour there are about 50 different factors that can fuck up the result.
Lighter models? Does that include the SL (superlight) version of the ubiquitous F482SB? Only asking as they don't seem to make the standard flavour anymore.
I'm trying to learn about the different Novatec models (road).
Which models are the 'sweet spot' in terms of value? Does the law of marginal returns apply to Novatec? I.e. the priciest models are just a smidgeon better than the mid-range ones?
Also, there doesn't seem to be Mavic rims corresponding to the 20/24 hole pairings? If so, are there any alu clinchers to match?
EDIT: This was a good read