Could be a den under the neighbours shed, they aren't cubs though, they're full size. I bought some of the chemical repellent and also this noise machine that send out a sound 'only foxes can hear' when they set off it's motion sensor.
Have you used any of these yourself?
I read that male urine can help, anyone tried this?
I also moved all the plant pots and garden furniture into what looks like their chill out spot. Hopefully that should throw them until the serious stuff arrives.
Could be a den under the neighbours shed, they aren't cubs though, they're full size. I bought some of the chemical repellent and also this noise machine that send out a sound 'only foxes can hear' when they set off it's motion sensor.
Have you used any of these yourself?
I read that male urine can help, anyone tried this?
I also moved all the plant pots and garden furniture into what looks like their chill out spot. Hopefully that should throw them until the serious stuff arrives.