What amuses me is the fact that directly above said offending post was a similar post with a male model instead. Albeit without a rating out of 10, but in a similar vein. Don't see any white knights defending his honor. (That was a joke)
If you have to tell people it's a joke you're doing it wrong. #protip
@Fignons post was crass, didn't parody Oliver's successfully so wasn't funny and yeah expressing your boner regards the model isn't interesting, is mildly sexist and just makes the place feel more blokey than is desirable. @dancing james is doing us a favour calling him out on that, even if James
isseems sometimes rather pompous.Right who'se next...
What amuses me is the fact that directly above said offending post was a similar post with a male model instead. Albeit without a rating out of 10, but in a similar vein. Don't see any white knights defending his honor. (That was a joke)