• #5727
Where can I get that on a t-shirt?
• #5728
According to the comments on the original video the pushee has apparently been found and persuaded to go to the police.
1 Attachment
• #5729
The car was polish?
• #5730
Grubbythumb in reply to @Tababa
Had exactly this a couple of weeks ago... twice. I got the whole thing on camera and reported the incidents to the (local) coach company that run the route.
I got no response from them.
I did think about making a few tweets about it, but frankly, I don't think they give a toss.>
Come at me emergency engine cut.
• #5731
Isn't it time we all got together and put our weight behind a political party that agrees the FORCE the change in the way these cases are dealt with once and for all?
• #5732
On the flipside, kicking and damaging someone's motor potentially unprovoked and then trying to scarper makes him a shithouse. I can fully under understand her reaction. What is unacceptable is the reaction of the CPS/law/jury/magistrate when presented with all the info.
There are a lot of belms on bikes that have damaged motors both on accident and on purpose and have simply decided it is not their responsibility and fucked off.
• #5733
I can fully under understand her reaction
I assume you mean you understand that she was pissed [off], rather than the bit where she hit him with two tonnes of metal and plastic.
• #5734
Of course I do not condone hitting someone with a motorcar. But in the head of someone that has had their pride and joy vandalised by someone not looking to face up to their actions, the most unhinged/emotionally immature amongst us will feel it the only way to get a favourable outcome. I imagine several of those involved in such a judicial outcome sympathised with her, too.
I'd love to hear his account.
• #5735
for there is nothing either good or bad, but lawyering makes it so
• #5736
I don't see why he would kick her motor "unprovoked" she probably got too close and scared the hell out of him, when in fear of our lives sometimes humans lash out. I've probably kicked out at one or two cars that have nearly killed me over the years, possibly done some small amount of damage, then ridden away. I'm not proud of it at all but it certainly wasn't unprovoked, and it's very different from ramming someone with a car.
• #5737
I'm sure you're right, he wouldn't have kicked the car without a reason, but if you're rude boy enough to kick someone's car then you ought to be rude boy enough stop the bike, get off and have a conversation / probable fight about it.
I can understand the driver here not wanting the cyclist to get away with damaging their shit, most of us wouldn't have run him over, but I bet many would have given chase one way or the other.
TLDR - both cunts
• #5738
Except that should the incident have happened whilst at work, the former would be repremanded and the later almost certainly fired.
• #5739
A problem of not spending some time on a bike as part of obtaining a license.
They really are oblivious about the effects of their close passes. -
• #5740
On my way home today in I nearly got flattened by a Landrover and his trailer. I think the driver had forgotten that they were towing as, once past me, they began to move back towards the kerb. This caused the trailer to come perilously close and I had to mount the dropped kerb to avoid a squishing.
As ever in this thread, I didn't notice the number plate due to forgetting to notice it. I did manage to bellow 'Wanker!' and make the corresponding hand signal for the driver's benefit though.
The Transit driver following the Landrover gave me a cheery thumbs up, but I think he was commenting more on my quick-witted escape route and robust Anglo-Saxon driver rating skills, than on my health.
9/10 Would survive again
• #5741
The night club that used to be in Theale by the sainsburys and the porsche garage?
Jesus that takes me back to '96.
• #5742
As ever in this thread, I didn't notice the number plate due to forgetting to notice it.
It's worth actually training yourself to notice/remember numbers as the first reaction. It takes a little practice, but any time anyone gives a slightly too close pass, or even just randomly, try to focus on the number and remember it as quickly as you can. The more you do it the easier it becomes. Hopefully when you need it the next time you'll be able to. That said, jumping out of the way of a trailer is enough to give you other things to think about...
Glad you're ok -
• #5743
This is what cameras are useful for.
• #5744
I tend to do that but after being knocked off recently I completely fucked it up and the cunt got away...
• #5745
tbone for breakfast anyone?
• #5746
Wow, really impatient, report to police?
• #5748
He's looking at the wrong lights
• #5749
Any green means go!
• #5750
@NurseHolliday I know, they should get lessons and be made to do a test before they are allowed to drive.
edit - Oh and if you clicked off or it's unclear the 2nd set of lights jumped is worse than the 1st.
Don't think so.