Anyone have any info on when exactly the next order is opening up, the website says early April but that they'll send notification to those who have signed up 10 days before, but I haven't received a notification yet...
FWIW I'm planning on getting them shipped to a friend in the US who will then bring them the rest of the way in the hope of avoiding charges and saving a bit on shipping...
I don't think the flo 30 rims would be far off £80 each by the time they reach here btw.
That's the conclusion I came to, although I'm going more moar aeros, and there isn't really a credible alternative in the price bracket for a disc and deep front wheel, even with shipping and custom charges....
Anyone have any info on when exactly the next order is opening up, the website says early April but that they'll send notification to those who have signed up 10 days before, but I haven't received a notification yet...
FWIW I'm planning on getting them shipped to a friend in the US who will then bring them the rest of the way in the hope of avoiding charges and saving a bit on shipping...
I don't think the flo 30 rims would be far off £80 each by the time they reach here btw.