• #627
And a message saying the "big miles" are "yet to come".
• #628
Friday 27th Mar - 243.9 mi, 17:36:09 h, 4,183 ft
cumulative - 16,645.6 mi, 54:14:52:38 d, 457,153 ft
SA certainly opened the taps yesterday, may be heading down to exeter today, so not backing off
• #630
He should be running out of land at some point later today.
• #631
Saturday 28th Mar - 214.6 mi, 21:15:01 h, 6,356ft
cumulative - 16,860.2 mi, 55:12:07:39 d, 463,509 ft
Truly epic day, into the wind, made Exeter appx 2am :$
Less than 4 hours sleep, and he's off to Lowestoft (290 mi) with the spinnaker out
• #632
I wanna send Steve out in space with his efforts to show the extraterrestial a scope of potential from us, the Homo Sapiens.
• #633
Twitter line says an incident on the A38 Steve gone to a friends to sleep ?
I dont know any more details than that.
• #634
I've just seen that - Steve and bike are fine but there's no other details yet. (That was as of an hour ago.)
• #635
From Twitter:
"Extremely sad to announce that aprox 8.10am Steve was ridden into by a moped Steve tried to carry on but stopped in Wellington. He was collected by one of the team and taken to hospital. He has 2 broken bones in his ankle and is currently in plaster. Is looking highly likely that he will require an operation to have a plate and screws. That is all the information available at the moment."
• #636
no fucking way
• #637
Fuuuuuuuuuck, this is so sad.
• #638
Gutted for him doesn't do it justice. Absolutely gutted.
• #639
• #640
Shit. Here's hoping for the best.
• #641
Poor Steve. Gutted for him.
• #642
At least he will recover and it wasnt his head. Its always a risk but i.m gutted for him especially as the days draw out and he was focussed for the summer. Gutted is not the word he must be feeling after nesrly 17k miles in 4 months.
• #643
Absolutely gutted for him and everyone who's been supporting him.
• #644
Oh, bloody hell, what a disaster. He must be so disappointed. Poor Steve. Fuck.
• #645
• #646
Fucksake :-(
• #647
4 weeks recovery and back on it full throttle doing the mega miles for the UK record?
• #648
oh dear, very sad for SA. heal up soon chap.
• #649
Damn. I'm gutted, I can't imagine how he must be feeling.
• #650
Truly gutted for Steve, can't imagine how he must be feeling.
244 miles for Steve today.
Loving the Maths talk up thread too. Didn't understand much of it, mind.