Oh, and yea, Berlin is king of the dullness -
but when I said "good light" earlier I just meant enough light (so you'd definitely get a shutter fast enough it won't matter if you're not holding prefectly still), and somewhat of an even light so the light meter has a clear job - so you later can say for sure that batteries were fresh, film was fresh, shutter speed was fast, and light situation was non-complicated - so if you still end up with blur / thin negs / whatever, it must be something else.
Oh, and yea, Berlin is king of the dullness -
but when I said "good light" earlier I just meant enough light (so you'd definitely get a shutter fast enough it won't matter if you're not holding prefectly still), and somewhat of an even light so the light meter has a clear job - so you later can say for sure that batteries were fresh, film was fresh, shutter speed was fast, and light situation was non-complicated - so if you still end up with blur / thin negs / whatever, it must be something else.