Well, we could use the old architectural trick of "count the bricks" to estimate the height of something.
I count 12.5 wooden boards, let's call it 13.
If the width of one board is 100mm, that makes the top of the door 1300mm. Too low.
If the width of one board is 125mm, that makes the top of the door 1625mm. Slightly low.
If the width of one board is 150mm, that makes the top of the door 1950mm. About right.
If the width of one board is 200mm, that makes the top of the door 2600mm. Too high.
Without actually measuring the height, we can assume that the padlock is positioned in the range of 1600-2000mm, which whilst not ideal, would be an acceptable height for padlock operation.
Also @tina.kino I saw this and inexplicably thought of you... even though you are just a person on the internet :)
Keep clear by Michael M Rennie, on Flickr