so glad Im not on 'ratebeer' forum....Gouden Carolus 'review' " An enjoyable beer that proved easy enough to drink but in truth didn’t really strike me as a memorable offering or one that I’d be all that likely to go back to in the future. There was nothing wrong with the beer as such, it just seemed to be missing that special something that would have found be rating it higher. This was partially down to the beer following a fairly predictable pattern from nose to taste with the ripe fruits and sweetness staying consistent throughout; a decent beer but there are better Belgian offerings out there to be had."
u wot m8?
so glad Im not on 'ratebeer' forum....Gouden Carolus 'review' " An enjoyable beer that proved easy enough to drink but in truth didn’t really strike me as a memorable offering or one that I’d be all that likely to go back to in the future. There was nothing wrong with the beer as such, it just seemed to be missing that special something that would have found be rating it higher. This was partially down to the beer following a fairly predictable pattern from nose to taste with the ripe fruits and sweetness staying consistent throughout; a decent beer but there are better Belgian offerings out there to be had."
u wot m8?