So, I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the original testers for the Brooks C17 Cambium, a while back. After around 6000 KMs, the top started to stretch around the middle two rivets at the rear. I contacted Brooks, who put me through to Steve in the workshop.....he said that the Cambium top couldn't be bought separately...bugger!
Luckily, he said he can send me a new top FOC and would I like a different colour! Yes please, I said and a new slate top and new rivet bolts arrived yesterday, ready to be fitted when I get a minute. I'm going to frame the old battered one and stick it on the wall :o)
It's hard to see in the photos, but most noticeable around the two rear bolts can see it is out of shape there, and pulling a bit.
It's also got a lot more give in it. The new top is so much better, it looks smaller when they are side by side.
So, I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of the original testers for the Brooks C17 Cambium, a while back. After around 6000 KMs, the top started to stretch around the middle two rivets at the rear. I contacted Brooks, who put me through to Steve in the workshop.....he said that the Cambium top couldn't be bought separately...bugger!
Luckily, he said he can send me a new top FOC and would I like a different colour! Yes please, I said and a new slate top and new rivet bolts arrived yesterday, ready to be fitted when I get a minute. I'm going to frame the old battered one and stick it on the wall :o)