You should give a bit more notice if possie, I'd be up for taking a day off (maybe not before April), it's worth mentioning the clerks @citygent @Crumb and @nesbit as they could all have midweeks off. Then there's all the self employed graphic designers, students and couriers, @lava, @SuperLuca and @emab... I don't remember Alex's used name, but isn't she a graphic designer too? @io and @thedutch, @dubkev, @moog @Vit @cafox @sombra @Whisk (is that Pickering?)
Pickering is @Whisk
yeah @Samwell I need more notice unfortunately! I am off tomorrow but doing lots of catchup (i've been flu-ridden past few days)
Is this still a thing? Anyone free tomorrow?
I got the day off work :)