• #9227
I had it explained to me that the reduced calorie days should be approx 1/4 of your usual calorie intake, so active people might need more than sedentary folk.
• #9229
Frankly, the 5:2 diet seems to be an idea aimed at people with shit dietary regimens who can't change it but can try eating slightly less of it. Getting a proper balance of vegetables to protein to carbs seems much more sustainable. I really doubt most people will maintain a 5:2 regimen for a sustained period, which makes it another fad diet. When you come off it, you either need a better permanent regimen or the strength to realise you're going to be a fatty again.
• #9230
I know a few people who have used the 5:2 diet to lose weight, and then go to 1 day a week of restricted calories to maintain their weight.
What I have been doing for the past couple of weeks is using myfitnesspal to track my calories on diet and non diet days. It is making me aware of how poor my portion control is and I aim to keep track and to try to keep to 2500 calories on normal days. It also helps me keep a track on the restricted calorie days too. Something I have found is that the day after the restricted calorie day I don't go and eat all the things.
Long term, once I have lost the weight I intend to control my food intake better additionally would like the discipline restricting once a week. From myfitnesspal it appears my diet is generally well balanced, the bigger problem for me is just portion control.
Given that my back has gotten worse I may be having a long sedentary period, as such I'd rather feel hungry two days rather than seven a week.
• #9231
I think I'm going to have to get some scales just to beat your 800g poo... Guess that includes water too? Recon I can smash that.
• #9232
Yeah, i always wee when I poo.
• #9233
Pooing when you wee would probably be quicker if a little messier.
• #9234
North of 12.5 stone down to just about 9.75 stone since June last year, none of my clothes fit properly.
Yay cancer!
• #9235
Sometimes I weigh myself before and after a shit. Interesting. Record is 800g.
• #9236
• #9237
I'd say reducing intake of artificial sweetners is a smart move regardless of whether or not you think they make you fat. I get my fill from all the sport suppliments I chuck in myself. So I avoid sweetened Food and drinks in my everyday diet.
.....is this why those massive People you see in the burger king Queue. That order everything on the menu, super-sized. Then order a diet coke. Are fat?
• #9238
I'll give you a hint - it's not the diet coke making them fat. If diet coke made people fat I'd be... oh...
In other news I'm going back to full fat milk. Less processing, right? It's also supposed to contain more of something-that-does-good-things but the name escapes me right now.
• #9239
I have been using almond milk a fair bit, it's obviously more expensive, but for going on muesli/porridge it definitely tastes better.
• #9240
This is me. so take this With a pinch of salt. But I think the negative bit of Processing milk is the homogenization of the fat content. Which is much the same process whichever fat Level you choose. Something to do With breaking Down the suspended fat particles from the emulsion accoring to my father-inlaw. That last bit seems a bi bollocksie to me though. Milk isnt going to make it through you gut as a stable emulsin anyway. Proved by the classic Experiment involvng chuggng a pint of milk followed by a pint of acidic orange juice while fighting a hangover. Then throwing up watery Orange coloured cottage cheese. Science
I'm old enough to remember silver top. Full fat milk With the cream separate and floating on the top. Soyoucould decant it onto Your Shreddies. Always used to get bolloked for opening 3/4 bottles at once to decant ALL THE CREAM.
• #9241
I have some of that too. I don't think it tastes better but it does taste different.
• #9242
I don't know, but studies show high-fat milk products equates to lower obesity risk:
http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2014/02/12/275376259/the-full-fat-paradox-whole-milk-may-keep-us-lean"organic whole milk contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acids." might've been the substance.
• #9243
I can think of better Places to get Your Omega-3. I have cod liver oil everyday, as well as tinned mackerel.
• #9244
I remember being force fed that cod liver oil shit when I was younger and mackerel stunk our house out for two days so thanks but no thanks.
Milk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fish
Unless it's fish and chips or tinned tuna. Actually had a nice chilli salmon strip yesterday too.
• #9245
Why is "inflammation" everywhere these days? I get a little involuntary eye-twitch every time I see the word now, regardless of where it appears. An inflammatory response, if you will.
• #9246
I'd say reducing intake of artificial sweetners is a smart move regardless of whether or not you think they make you fat
Not when you see how much demerera I'd normally put in a cup of tea it wont...The powdered stuff I use tastes good, and so what if saccharin is apparently a carcenogenic: See @Bad_Science 's post above.
• #9247
Anti-oxidants everyone is aware of and this 'new' word sounds bad so marketers can use it in their spiel of ailments their snake-oil cures.
• #9248
I force cod liver oil on both my kids everyday.
Tinned Fish is awesome. I eat several a day if I'm having a Heavy training week.
When I was running more. I suscribed heavily to the healthy Oils preventing injury thing. Then had a full Medical and was told I had high blood fat. At an insanely high ratio of 'healthy oils' vs 'bad oils'. But the doctor still didnt think it was that great an idea. So I've stopped snorting ground Walnuts and taking avocado suppositories.
• #9249
A whole avocado? That's dedication.
• #9250
Dedication is leaving it unpeeled...
Yeah, soz - that came off a bit ranty and DIRECTED SPECIFICALLY AT YOU when I didn't intend that way at all. More of a response to the general direction that the conversation was going and you just happened to be the unfortunate soul who'd posted most recently :-)