• #99477
a thing leads to another ....
This was my pubbike.
then I discovered that I had a woundup with headset and stem over.
So now I needed a new frame for my "pubbike" kit :).
I bought a cheap ritchey isp clamp from my friend Slowie and found a baramon njs fork in my garage.
had some time over the weekend and started rebuild my old winterfrankenbike.
Old pics.
This weekends work.
• #99478
no moss under you, bud
• #99479
You've got some really nice bikes. Especially like the chainring on the lo pro.
• #99480
Cool work dude !
• #99481
Fuck I want to learn to weld so bad, how come you didn't weld track dropouts into the winter bike btw?
• #99482
• #99483
Thanks dude, so here's another one !
• #99485
thanks dudes!, it is easier to remove rear wheel when you got "full" fenders, thats why :)
• #99486
Makes sense.
Also I second dakin
• #99487
Plan to, but it's more a case of to many bikes and not enough free riding time.
• #99488
latest gazelle
731OS Race tubing, noblex stainless steel rear and forks
• #99489
• #99490
@Thrust - i am in the same process of sorting out my kaffenback so that i can take a lowrider rack. and disc brakes too as I have got cantis on there at the moment.
i have got some forks from Thorn like @Spotter did. rake is different by just one mm.
i will be interested to see how the ride feels but won't be able to share for a little while as lbs have the brakes on back order.
• #99491
• #99492
Frame looks mint.
• #99493
Big mistake. When building up a bike ensure the inner tubes you plan to use do in fact have the capability of holdin air within em.
Fuckin pisstake. Was lookin forward to ridin in to work on it tomorrow..
• #99494
Pics on wheels ?
• #99495
In that case you should sell the frame to me! I've got a nice pink Chris king headset which would look great on it. I bet it's a stiff ride with those beefy seat stays?
• #99496
• #99497
Thanks ; )
^Chain -
• #99498
• #99499
Too short?
• #99500
Very, very stuck cog. May have to get a smaller chainring for Eddy "Balk" Merckx as I don't want to strip the threads and have to get a new hub/build a new wheel.
PlusGas may be worth a try, Le Manfriend is afraid he'll trash the wheel if he puts even more power through it.
Ah well always the way with second hand track baiks...rear wheel snookered (bearings were easy to swap though) + stuck cogs...
New on this forum (from Paris), I'm actually trying to finish this project, a C.Brochard LoPro, don't have any informations about the frame.. Miss a bar tape and probably new tires !
(I've many other bikes, you'll discover them later, already one posted on the LOOK subject)