• #302
Have you sorted out a venue yet? When do you start testing?
• #303
1% Paypal surcharge? What bullshit is this?
• #304
Thanks for that though. Just grabbed a couple of sets.
• #305
Eh, for 69p it was worth it to not have to find my wallet.
• #306
This is my own track time rather than commercial stuff. Still waiting on some equipment
• #307
For £1.something it was worth getting my wallet.
• #308
If you can test your bike you can test mine! C'arn man, I got records to break! :P
• #309
:D I want everything up and running much more than you do!
• #310
I doubt that.. I have 14 vacuum cleaners on reverse pointed down the hallway. The missus is not amused...
• #311
Anyone ordering some zeros from PBK at the rate above and able to use the "new customer" discount? I've just ordered my groupset from them so no longer new to them - annoying I've just seen this as the groupset only arrived yesterday! Could've done it all at the same time. Oh well
• #312
New email address worked for me.
• #313
Will try that! Cheers
• #314
Cheap-ish Ti Speedplays: http://www.alwaysriding.co.uk/speedplay-zero-titanium-pedal-1967.html
• #315
10g claimed weight difference, the lighter ones have 15mm flats rather than allen fitment.
• #316
Same length?
• #317
AFAIK. Heavier ones are 78.5mm, others don't quote a length.
• #318
both chinese? bottom ones look like j&l right? Also titanium types?
• #319
Literally swapped out the axles on some cromos for those J&L Ti spindles this morning. Stock was 222g for the pair. Modded 171g. Didn't measure them but I can probably do that on Sunday if you're that curious.
• #320
How hard was it?
• #321
Annoying more than anything. There was a shedload of loctite on the threads. Don't think I've ever managed to undo that screw on Speedplays without using a soldering iron to melt that stuff.
Other than that, easy as pie.
• #322
Hmm dont have soldering iron/torch and a vice .. should I even bother?
• #323
I did a full bearing change on a set of speedplays the other day - nothing special needed other than torx key
• #324
Well tbh I used a pedal spanner and did it sat on my bed! Surprised I didn't burn the hell out of my fingers.
If you're in London and can make it to Canary Wharf on Sundays I can either do it for you (in a proper vice) or lend you a soldering iron.
• #325
im confused here - which skrew is loctite'd?
Unused? I'll take them.