I got an alert from Google today saying someone tried to access my account and that I should change my password. I did. Then forgot it. Spent ages recovering the account. Got it back, changed the password again. Now Gmail etc is working fine on my Mac, but I cannot sign in to Play Store or Gmail on my Android device. I have tried deleting the account on the device and starting over, I have turned the phone off and on it just keeps saying password and username don't match. I can't find any solutions online.
I'm at the end of my tether. Please help.
I got an alert from Google today saying someone tried to access my account and that I should change my password. I did. Then forgot it. Spent ages recovering the account. Got it back, changed the password again. Now Gmail etc is working fine on my Mac, but I cannot sign in to Play Store or Gmail on my Android device. I have tried deleting the account on the device and starting over, I have turned the phone off and on it just keeps saying password and username don't match. I can't find any solutions online.
Any ideas?