Need to raise some funds, anybody interested in a cheap but worn looking D7000? 20,500 actuations. Hasn't been dropped or anything, just had it in a handlebar bag over summer and it wore the edges down without me noticing. It works perfectly except the aperture coupling lever is snapped, you can just see it around the mount. It basically means metering with old lenses is out. Got the original gold box and all the other gubbins, I'll throw in the IR remote too.
Need to raise some funds, anybody interested in a cheap but worn looking D7000? 20,500 actuations. Hasn't been dropped or anything, just had it in a handlebar bag over summer and it wore the edges down without me noticing. It works perfectly except the aperture coupling lever is snapped, you can just see it around the mount. It basically means metering with old lenses is out. Got the original gold box and all the other gubbins, I'll throw in the IR remote too.
£200? They seem to sell for about £350-4 on ebay.
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