I don't understand how he thinks a decently off professional London couple need a tax break in a time when we're constantly told we need austerity. So I'm giving the few grand we're saving to Class War*.
*I am doing no such thing.
^This, in spades - for fucks sake, stop giving me (and people like me) tax breaks that we don't fucking need whilst starving the poor and butt-fucking the NHS because there's no fucking money to pay for it!
That's the best way I've seen this put. Whilst it was an initially selfish plus for me, it doesn't sit right with me at all. mrs_com works in children's services and it makes me sad that they have to even ask for money. Our £450 will probably go straight to Kids Company.
^This, in spades - for fucks sake, stop giving me (and people like me) tax breaks that we don't fucking need whilst starving the poor and butt-fucking the NHS because there's no fucking money to pay for it!
Total, utter, unredeemable cunts.