Different if it is persistent / grossly offensive - that's when I'd get the landlord involved.
Oh, totally agree. If it were one instance of somebody posting something off-colour then I'd be more inclined to wade in and call them out for being a knob. But this is just a recent instance of several attempts to troll a wide range of people, and it just so happens to have happened in a particularly offensive place.
I'm sure that @ABCNews is now contrite, and that his apology for being a shithead is imminent, however. Trololol.
See, I'm with Bruce and ncjlee on this one. I don't think that having a go at him will be particularly productive because his raison d'ĂȘtre is to get a rise out of people so he can gob off back. He's being deliberately provocative in the hope that people will argue with him.
Personally I'm not that keen on the ladies forum being a place where people sit around arguing with Obvious Trolls about the relative merits of gender-positivity. That said I do understand VB's point that it should be publicly called out, otherwise saying nothing looks like tolerance... but at what point does that calling-out become unproductive? Once it's clear that the person being a twat is being a twat for trolling lolz? I kind of think it already is clear, and it was clear for quite a while before he decided to toss some casual sexism into the mix to liven things up a bit.