Classic event in the only 'safe' segregated cycle lane section on my whole journey. The cyclist ahead of me wearing jeans, trainers and a hoodie nips out of the segregated lane at a gap in the 'kerb' to avoid a big puddle ahead of him. I carry on, ride through the puddle and I'm now alongside him - the kerb separates us - I'm still in the segregated cycle lane. He dives back in at the next gap in the kerb and hits me! We both come off and get very wet and he gets an earful of abuse from me. And a cheery smile of course...fellow cyclists in the rain and all that.....
Classic event in the only 'safe' segregated cycle lane section on my whole journey. The cyclist ahead of me wearing jeans, trainers and a hoodie nips out of the segregated lane at a gap in the 'kerb' to avoid a big puddle ahead of him. I carry on, ride through the puddle and I'm now alongside him - the kerb separates us - I'm still in the segregated cycle lane. He dives back in at the next gap in the kerb and hits me! We both come off and get very wet and he gets an earful of abuse from me. And a cheery smile of course...fellow cyclists in the rain and all that.....