• #112102
Le Reej is closest to the mostest football threaders.
• #112103
I'm out.
• #112104
With organisational skills like that, you're a natural leader for Arsenal's defence.
• #112105
Ohhhh. Does puss puss want a biscuit?
• #112106
I don't do south of the river.
Penge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #112107
@>>>>>> Why you pick such annoying thingy?
• #112108
They've lost their tents ver on DayZ
• #112109
I've got to go to Penge shortly, to collect Edie from school.
• #112110
Have you met me?
• #112111
He makes a good point, Dov..
• #112112
I don't go South or East.
Last year we met in the Lamb. Anywhere central is good -
• #112113
@dan if you want to step to the plate, and organise the bi annual non world cup herding of football thread cats, to show you can be less miserabilist in person than on the interwebs, be my guest. Knock yourself out, or not as the case may be. I look forward to you and the others doing nothing, as per usual..
• #112114
Meanwhile, somewhere in Stockwell...
• #112115
Who organized last years event? I don't think anyone really, we just set a time and a place and the usual bed wetters failed to show up but others did and had a good time. Although I had to leave a bit early
• #112116
@>>>>>> didn't say I wouldn't show my face, just going to do what the rest of you (especially you) do, sit on my hands, slag it off from the sidelines, and then maybe show my face, but no guarantee's mind, I've got MK8 to play
• #112118
I see Arsenal are playing at home at chez Corny.
• #112119
Oh boy...
• #112123
Someone reserved the room at the back didn't they? Because otherwise I'm sure we wouldn't have made the person in the wheelchair fuck off out into the rain to let us sit down.
• #112124
^ repost
• #112125
The heartless swine then kicked out some poor disabled chap so we could sit down.
I wasn't there...
No doubt that it'll be south of the river