Sounds like one side is out of phase, probably you have the right side spokes ahead of the left at the hub but behind the left at the rim, or vice versa. Easy mistake to make; each side looks like it's laced properly (right number of crossings, right number of holes between spokes of the same direction) and the whole wheel also looks OK because the left & right spokes alternate correctly at the rim.
Tester's surely nailed it here, yes? I have to know!
Tester was correct. When lacing the trailing spokes, I laced the NDS spoke the wrong side which would of threw it all out of sync!
It is all built and true now! Though the drive side spokes could of been a few MM shorter as I didn't account for the dish! Its fine non the less!
Thank you for the advice fellas.
I laced it all up, some spokes had quite a bit of tenstion when the nipples just covered the threads, and some spokes were sticking through the eyelets as they seemed too long. Its just a demon wheel.
Ill hae another got tonight and get pictures.