• #32527
gchq bemoaning our privacy and our freedoms
• #32528
gchq bemoaning our privacy and our freedoms
And bemoaning that people get a bit fucked off when governmental agencies break the law as a matter of course.
• #32529
But surely those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear
• #32530
thats why i'm fearful
• #32531
But surely those with nothing to hide have nothing to fear
Exactly. Those that are protesting against Government spying on its subjects obviously have something to hide, therefore it's entirely justified.
• #32532
Particularly those that are protesting against their Government spying illegally - They obviously have the most to hide, thereby totally justifying in particular the illegal spying
• #32533
is this where someone says yo dawg ?
• #32534
"Yo dawg, I heard you liked spying so we put spies in your spies so they can spy while you spy" is the plot to most of John Le Carre's novels, I thought
• #32535
• #32536
Excellent :)
• #32537
Sure, MPs have nothing to hide either, so they can shred their expenses. If privacy is lost and the world becomes a small village again, then at least have the same rules for all when it comes to £££ & assume 99% of things said on the internet are the equivalent of a drunken rant.
• #32538
why do MI5 / 6 want to see photos of my breakfast / supper anyway ?
voyeurism ?
• #32539
although to be fair breakfast is usually a line of coke followed by a line of speed and supper is a delicious crack / heroin cocktail
• #32540
So the Minister for Harm Reduction who rides a bike without a helmet and thinks drugs should be decriminaised has stepped down. Not surprising really
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-29891132 -
• #32541
He's tiny.
• #32542
I don't know a single cycle-trainer that wears a helmet!
• #32543
I know...
...er 3
Must say something about their risk assessment abilityI agree with Baker about both helmets and drugs... perhaps I am a liberal
• #32544
Baker was the best one of the last hundred or so Daft ministers, Adonis was good too and I liked him with a coolas fuck name like that too. None of them last long as its the same as working in Greggs for Westminster staffers. Ah well
• #32545
track by Adonis
• #32546
I'm not so much worried about their ability to gather information as their ability to create their own fictional information and have it accepted as gospel.
At the metaphorical card table, not only can they see the deck, they can manipulate the cards before the shuffler, the shuffler itself and the dealer.
If they have motivation, you're screwed.
• #32548
So the Minister for Harm Reduction who rides a bike with his eyes shut and thinks drugs should be decriminaised has stepped down.
• #32549
Goalkeeper David James is auctioning his stuff. Get yourself a Chopper.
I seem to remember the last time there was a panic for vaccines, for bird flu, vast amounts were bought by governments, and subsequently the evidence for efficacy was show to be far more limited than had been suggested by the manufacturers. I heard there was an audit committee investigation into the waste of cash, but didn't hear the outcome.