This could happen by people sending me a ranking, but that gets quite unwieldy in terms of data management. Doing it with a single online ranking poll makes it easy. Since all the team own-votes are discounted, then it should be fine. No?
Not 100% sure about this - but shouldnt you be dividing the number of 'points' a team accumulates by the COUNT of the number of votes they receive?
Because: some teams will receive more COUNTs of votes than others, because the voting was individual-based, but the ranking is team-based.
Some teams will have two, or even three, members voting.
Only 1 member of Team H votes in the ballot, and 3 people from Team G vote in the ballot.
At the end of the voting, they end up with the same number of 'points'.
And let's say the total number of voters is 22.
Team G gets 134 points, from 19 votes (because 3 people couldnt vote for themselves)
Team H gets 140 points, from 21 votes (because 1 person couldnt vote for themselves)
So in that case, Team H actually has a better ranking, they end up with a lower score (points divided by COUNT). Team G is 7.05263, but Team H is 6.66666
Noticably different result, right?
(I'm using COUNT because it is an Excel term and I hope that makes it clearer what I mean)
This is a super good point, working out an average rank would be fairer.
We've really got three leagues worth of ability levels but only two leagues worth of teams. I do like the idea of a preseason play off for next year though.
Not 100% sure about this - but shouldnt you be dividing the number of 'points' a team accumulates by the COUNT of the number of votes they receive?
Because: some teams will receive more COUNTs of votes than others, because the voting was individual-based, but the ranking is team-based.
Some teams will have two, or even three, members voting.
Only 1 member of Team H votes in the ballot, and 3 people from Team G vote in the ballot.
At the end of the voting, they end up with the same number of 'points'.
And let's say the total number of voters is 22.
Team G gets 134 points, from 19 votes (because 3 people couldnt vote for themselves)
Team H gets 140 points, from 21 votes (because 1 person couldnt vote for themselves)
So in that case, Team H actually has a better ranking, they end up with a lower score (points divided by COUNT). Team G is 7.05263, but Team H is 6.66666
Noticably different result, right?
(I'm using COUNT because it is an Excel term and I hope that makes it clearer what I mean)