Since the demise of my beloved cat, the mice have again taken up residence in our old house. Alfie was great at keeping them at bay as they'd wonder in and get slaughtered straight away. A couple of mice were foolish enough to build a nest in our house. I came down one morning and there was mummy and daddy mouse and 6 little baby mice lying in a pool of blood and gore on the kitchen floor.
My hand may be forced and I may need to get another cat in the New Year as mouse traps and poison hasn't got rid of all the little fuckers . Not sure it is fair having a kitten around 3 year old twins though, perhaps I should get an older cat
Since the demise of my beloved cat, the mice have again taken up residence in our old house. Alfie was great at keeping them at bay as they'd wonder in and get slaughtered straight away. A couple of mice were foolish enough to build a nest in our house. I came down one morning and there was mummy and daddy mouse and 6 little baby mice lying in a pool of blood and gore on the kitchen floor.
My hand may be forced and I may need to get another cat in the New Year as mouse traps and poison hasn't got rid of all the little fuckers . Not sure it is fair having a kitten around 3 year old twins though, perhaps I should get an older cat