After defending the 800 for a couple of years now, the little cnut of a thing stopped on me at around the 23hr mark of a ride. It's now stuck in some weird boot loop. I've held power down for 10s at which point the screen fades and it reboots but doesn't get any further than loading maps.
Any ideas on how to fix this/recover ride data?>This has probably been resolved in some way by now, I'm currently catching up on this thread, but how far had you gone at the time? Specifically how far in the track you were recording at the time?
Very poor form of Handtec to try and fob you off by sending you to Garmin, did you get that sorted @hippy? It's simple, under the Sale of Goods Act your contract is with the seller - whoever you bought the thing from. Manufacturers warranties are meaningless.
So as I've just read that Garmin sent you a new one make Handtec give you a refund, get free Garmin ;)
After defending the 800 for a couple of years now, the little cnut of a thing stopped on me at around the 23hr mark of a ride. It's now stuck in some weird boot loop. I've held power down for 10s at which point the screen fades and it reboots but doesn't get any further than loading maps.
Any ideas on how to fix this/recover ride data?