Last night I dreamt that me and @cafewanda were in a car driving to somewhere like Spain and my cat was in the back with my brother, not in a cat box. We were eating some sort of coconut flakes out of a big tub that we discovered had a whole in the bottom, because flakes were all over the floor.
When we got to the French border, my brother got out of the car and put the cat in his rucksack and decided to go on foot. The cat was stuffed upside down in the rucksack and we managed to get him back only for my eldest brother to say 'let's see who Sam wants to go with' and instantly directed him to my other brother because he was closest and had a long dangling chain hanging from his neck, which Sam started to play with.
We continued our journey not knowing if the cat was going to make it alive...
And then stopped off at a vegetarian restaurant where loads of forum friends were eating. Then I woke up.
Last night I dreamt that me and @cafewanda were in a car driving to somewhere like Spain and my cat was in the back with my brother, not in a cat box. We were eating some sort of coconut flakes out of a big tub that we discovered had a whole in the bottom, because flakes were all over the floor.
When we got to the French border, my brother got out of the car and put the cat in his rucksack and decided to go on foot. The cat was stuffed upside down in the rucksack and we managed to get him back only for my eldest brother to say 'let's see who Sam wants to go with' and instantly directed him to my other brother because he was closest and had a long dangling chain hanging from his neck, which Sam started to play with.
We continued our journey not knowing if the cat was going to make it alive...
And then stopped off at a vegetarian restaurant where loads of forum friends were eating. Then I woke up.