• #102
WAC Goldsmith
• #103
It also helps if you have a lot of potential energy to convert into kinetic energy on the way down the hill. I'll be going to greggs for lunch to work on this aspect.
• #104
Already winning in that respect.
• #105
Bring on the free speed!
• #106
I don't think weight make that much of a difference, apart from aerodynamic drag.
Though I'd like to believe it does.
• #107
Someone needs to get a speeding ticket for cycling too fast and then have the balls (and money) to challenge it to see if the law really does limit cyclists to 20mph.
Speed limits within Royal Parks do not apply to bicycles: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2010/1194/regulation/1/made
In these Regulations– “vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on a road.
• #108
best that any regular RP riders get themselves in their to defend their right to paaaaaarty
Doesn't @dancing james live within the constituency that is Zac Goldsmith's?
Maybe we should just send him along to the meeting.
• #109
Doesn't @dancing james live within the constituency that is Zac Goldsmith's?
Maybe we should just send him along to the meeting.
For the lolz
• #110
The drugs might help though.
Bring on the free speed!
• #111
In these Regulations– “vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on a road.
Which is why I linked to: http://road.cc/content/news/95155-are-police-fining-speeding-cyclists-richmond-park-exceeding-their-authority
"vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on a road."
Surely, we said, that’s the exact definition of a motor vehicle so the speed limits brought in by that amendment can’t apply to bikes?
But no, said Ben, because there’s another amendment.
The definition you refer to was revoked by The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces (Amendment) (No.2) etc. Regulations 2010, which stated the following:- Regulations 1(2) and 5 to 8 of The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces (Amendment) etc Regulations 2010(1) are revoked
As a result, where the Royal Parks regulations refer to a vehicle the defined legal interpretation includes bicycles.
Yes, it's an amendment to an amendment, but that's the way the law works, with newer bits replacing older bits and the whole creaking edifice keeping lawyers in jobs.
The article goes on to discuss it further even getting Dr Hutch to cast his legal eye over it.
- Regulations 1(2) and 5 to 8 of The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces (Amendment) etc Regulations 2010(1) are revoked
• #112
Always ride down hill.
• #113
The solution, as we all know, is to concrete over Richmond Park.
This would mean that there is #spaceforcycling whilst allowing anyone to take any route they wanted between any two parts of the park.
Both car drivers and cyclists can see the benefits in this.
• #114
I nominate DJ to attend this meeting
• #115
Another solution, would be to sell off part of the park for property development, and put a requirement on the developers that they increase the number of lanes of the carriageways to accommodate the increase in traffic.
I reckon 1/3 of the park for 100 affordable mansion houses should allow for a dual-carriageway to be laid over the existing road.
• #116
No, just remove the roads and re-forest it.
• #117
That's what I thought. I don't think they know what crowd sourcing means. Sounds good though. Catchy.
• #118
It's like kick starting.
• #119
Personally, I think a zoo would be good. Or an ice rink.
• #120
Last time I came up behind a police car in RP, he waved me through on the downhill section...
• #121
Those deer a fucking annoying also. They should deffo get some lights.
• #122
At least High-vis for the deer
• #124
At least High-vis for the deer
• #125
By being aerodynamic as frick frack diddly dack patty wack.