• #552
Thanks man! Lots to do on it, I'm still learning the changes in Logic X over my v. outdated long-serving copy of Logic 7. Though a lot of the instruments are identical, not even a reskin…
• #553
ah fuck I said no more plug ins - just bought that API and Metafilter!
• #554
Ha, I was tempted by Metafilter, didn't go for it in the end. I did get TransX and Renaissance Bass as well, haven't tried those yet.
• #555
I got Renaissance Bass as a freebie last Christmas - you know what in hindsight I maybe should have stuck that on my bass channel on that track I linked to beef up the low end - d'oh!
• #556
Yowser! So I've been busy playing with my new toys. Mojave mic sound amazing and I'm well pleased with duet. Struggling to find a decent DI bass sound as always though.... f*ck me I'm an idiot. I was just about to type that I had no access to s decent bass amp (or pre-amp or DI) when I realised that I've got our bass player's Gallien Kruger bass amp sat in the living room. I have an hour till the ladywife gets in expecting dinner. Let's track live bass!
• #557
quick thing I did last night - challenge is to only use a single sine wave and the sampler in your DAW - no 3rd party FX or plugins - just the 5 second sine wave sample
• #558
Holy sheet iI just got my mitts on a motherucking smorgasbord of awesome plug ins. I'm going to be busy figuring them out the rest of this year.
• #559
anyone on Blend? added that sine wave project
• #560
hey does anybody know what this dude is using at 3:54 in the vid
or have any suggestions on similar contraptions i can f around and sample/have fun with beats? cheers!
• #561
it's the Teenage Engineering OP-1
nice, but steep learning curve, quite idiosyncratic
• #562
I think the Waldorf Streichfett might be my next hardware purchase
• #564
I would get Native Instruments Maschine - hardware and software
• #565
I have just bought a Roland TB-3, and have ordered a Korg Volca Beats and little pocket mixer.
Expect spamming of this thread with tedious low budget acid noodlings.
I should probably warn the mods.
• #566
dudes, I got the full Waves bundle. It's immense.
• #567
that looks really cool but a bit on the big side, the Teenage is a bit pricy so its so small, the idea i could just have it with me at an airport or wherever is real cool. not the most HQ beats but i like its sketchbook vibe
• #568
Does anyone own a Arturia Mini Brute (or Micro), thoughts?
I would be looking to use it in a live setting.
• #569
^ I have played around with the Mini Brute, it's pretty good, does gnarly good and the filter is pretty nasty
• #570
Anyone found a good moog-y hardware substitute? Played around with little/sub phattys but neither sounded as good/moog-y as an old minimoog vst I have... Jupiter is way out of reach!
• #571
it's all to do with the Moog filter eh?
• #572
Animoog on the iPad is the tits. Use that.
• #573
^ yeah - I always forget about it
iProphet has been released but only for 3rd gen iPad onwards :(
• #574
No advantage over a vst really and I'd need some delicate/expensive/annoying extra hardware to interface it properly with my setup... I did consider an ipad for music stuff but it turns out physical controls are much more my thing.
@EB Apparently they can't even get it right themselves (or don't want to).
• #575
If it's hardware you're after the 'Studio Electronics SE-1' is a copy of the Minimoog but with Oberheim filters. It's very good, I has one so can vouch for it, highly regarded in the hip hop fraternity, I believe.
nice track btw Regal!