• #1052
• #1053
they are up in the arse end of nowhere
Not a great reason to choose independence ...
• #1054
• #1055
Agreed, but so is having a strong financial services industry, so the argument becomes circular.
• #1057
I'd take the oil.
• #1058
What is the great Scottish plan for this?
Going to be expensive in printing all the new plates or do they plan to just continue calling themselves Great Britain?
• #1059
This has been bugging me:
Do you not find it troubling the way the BBC has been so biased in their coverage when it should be politically neutral?
This demonization of the BBC, of which the above is not an isolated example. You typically get it from governments with aggressive agendas, usually with attacks on specific journalists (Tebbit attacking Adie, Blair/Campbell attacking Gilligan), the Israelis try it all the time, the Russians are doing it ever more violently (see today’s news). It comes with the territory and for the BBC the territory is a serious attempt to tell the truth, something at which it quite often succeeds. This is so patently obvious that it is easy to miss, and easy to dismiss. Sure the BBC is badly managed, sure it sometimes betrays unexamined assumptions, and sometimes betrays its staff make-up which although politically very diverse is mainly middle class (ie, like the whole country). But the BBC remains a counterweight to propaganda that has no parallel anywhere in the world. Why else are politicians always trying to destroy it?
Where does Scotland stand on this if independent? If attacks on the BBC's integrity come with the territory, what's the problem?
If Scotland voted Yes then either BBC Scotland would close or it would continue but funded by the Scottish Government or some other source - there is no way the rUK licence-fee payer would fund Scotland. Is it seriously proposed that a BBC iScotland (the supposed 'Scottish Broadcasting Service') answering to a nationalist Scottish government, without the BBC’s unique global network and without the context of a century’s worth of history and experience in defending itself against government interference would be able to do the job BBC Scotland does? That’s deluded. You’d end up with an Irish-style gameshow broadcaster plus a Fox News for nationalists. I’m sure Salmond’s pal Murdoch has detailed plans for this on his desk right now.
• #1060
Love it!
• #1061
What is the great Scottish plan for this?
Going to be expensive in printing all the new plates or do they plan to just continue calling themselves Great Britain?I think they may have bigger fish to fry...
• #1062
big businesses interfering in democratic process
How? I haven't seen any interference. If you think a company director speaking about politics is interference in the democratic process, then I hope you also think Alex Salmond should be silenced too - political parties and corporations are both just groups of private citizens who appoint representatives to act in the interest of the group members.
• #1063
I think they may have bigger fish to fry
If they succeed in joining the EU, and with it the Common Fisheries Policy, they probably won't have any fish to fry.
• #1064
Too wrecked to stay up now, having an extremely early night and getting up at 4am to watch the coverage. I hope when I wake it's verging on yes. Fingers crossed for it. Good luck Scotland.
• #1065
Staying up to toast/mourn the dissolution of Great Britain.
Possibly the last time I drink Scotch.
• #1066
Jon Snow is Mystic Meg AICM£5
@jonsnowC4: I confess to having sensed both a YES win ( Glasgow East) and a NO win (Edinburgh)
• #1067
• #1068
This polling thing is a cnnch.
• #1069
Has this been resolved yet?
• #1070
Seriously though, when's the final count?
• #1071
Do you mean when they're planning to put the final count to the sword?
• #1072
I don't know. When does the thing end?
And when will I need to worry about border control heading north?
• #1073
There should be a result by 6-7AM. It won't be the final result, but it should still be definite due to the size of the vote that will have been counted by then.
• #1074
ooch there's a lot of morags on the radio the neet
*said in scottish accent *
• #1075
Pouring myself a hopeful drink before bed...
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