• Personally, I would like following a forum to mean that when a new thread is created in that forum I'm following it by default. Then I can unfollow the ones I don't care about. If it worked that way I don't think I'd ever need to look at today or converstations as I do now, I'd stay on following the whole time.

  • and @mashton

    Are you sure that's how it should work?

    If you followed Classifieds because you were in the market for a new bike... and you were then autofollowing the 100 conversations created in a couple of weeks, found a bike that you wanted... you now have to individually unfollow 100 conversations?

    Should unfollowing a forum, not unfollow all of the things followed by virtue of following the forum?

    The implicit "Follow all the things" would lead to an enormous chore for users who would then have to manually unfollow potentially hundreds or thousands of things.

    This is made even worse if they had disabled email notification, followed a forum... and then gone on holiday or taken a break... only to return and suddenly have no way to collectively unfollow things.

    It also breaks expectations. Everywhere else... if you follow a thing, you can unfollow the thing to reverse the effect of having followed it. Nowhere else would it leave any artifacts behind.

    Are you really sure that's how it should work?
