• #51902
beware an overly high saddle, hyper extending your knees x
• #51904
Yeah, definitely - I've been reading about the topic. Once the bike has been completed, I'll be trying out different saddle heights to see what fits best. If seat-tube too long, it'll have to be sold. :(
• #51906
• #51907
Those aren't too bad.
Adidas and Brooklyn Machine Works did a more recent version of them :
• #51908
enter code here
Awesome 853 mountain bike in my size with a lovely wishbone and some XT kit. Mad bargain for £200:
• #51909
Also if anyone likes the ridonculous stem it's carrying get in touch as I have one I could sell!
• #51910
let me know if you're selling! i reckon it's well too big for you haha
• #51911
not sure how it could be hyperextended... pulled in a straight line maybe, but if it's hyperextending you're doing it all wrong.
• #51912
x -
• #51914
£500 for postage?^
• #51915
0 feedback too. Maybe steer clear.
• #51916
One for the 5'5"s or perhaps ladies. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111444216451?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
• #51917
Someone on here needs to buy this - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FIR-CARBON-TRISPOKE-FIXIE-FIXED-GEAR-VORDERRAD-BAHNRAD/261576404630?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D25290%26meid%3D11c45117ea49468590a1cf3e6618ffb3%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D10622%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D111446547835&rt=nc
• #51918
That's the second time you've posted your own auction
• #51919
• #51920
Terry Dolan, 51 cm, track, carbon fork, miche cranks/hubs, £220 bin and delivers for £15. Whole bike, bargainous?
• #51921
Is it battered, or is that just paste residue because it's a tub?
Also: ALAN!
• #51922
I don't like this listing. It may be legit but grainy photos, that high asking price, that description, plus a new seller... not to mention the mishmash of components... anyone missing a Colnago?
(Apologies if this is legit and you're on here) -
• #51923
Very nice Holdsworth frame with Simplex Lugs from the '70s (55cm at only £100):
Or VERY expensive, but original Holdsworth here:
1946 Holdsworth Path Cycle Frame and Forks 23" with Chater Lea Head Clip 531
Lovely, but at £1200 way out of my league.
• #51924
Old skool DA track group set. Says 7200 but looks like 7500 to me.
• #51925
@monkdagola, its not my listing. But one recently went for nearly double. I would get it but funds do not allow right now.
Ha, thanks!
Ironically, I'm not even (that) tall - around 183m/6" on the dot but fortunately (or not) I am mostly leg and one of the few benefits of still being a teenager is flexible joints :)