• #3902
I have paid a small fortune to resellers to see Blink-182 tonight.
• #3903
I can only track stand with my wheel turned left
Not much use on the track then, or in this country. How about moving to a country where they drive on the right?
• #3904
I miss giving rep so much.
I've started sending 'rep' messages (with a no need to reply comment) to a few people who really deserve it, but really, REALLY, miss giving rep.
I might have to start a spreadsheet of people who I want to give rep to, although you are all so wonderful.
• #3905
Wots rep?
• #3906
@jeremy rep was a way of praising or criticising someone on old lfgss
@shoosh I started my own rep record thread. You've earnt karaoke rep :)
• #3907
LOL. There is a good reason why I am called Shoosh! :)
I usually do requests when I am drunk.
• #3908
haha, that is quite funny.
• #3909
I've put a 25t cassette on my road bike
• #3910
with a 53/42 though, right?
• #3911
Just a single 56t
• #3912
Oh, that's fine then.
Seems like ideal mtb gearing.
• #3913
i really want a land rover.
• #3914
I confess to picking an fight on patheos. This has nothing to do with cycling so...
I also confess to letting that galvanized prickly twat who wrote the article get to me. Usually insults are shite of a ducks back but...
• #3915
I spotted the car of a twunt who tried to run me off of the road twice for 'being in the way' then when I chased him he brake checked me twice a few weeks ago, parked up today so I got one of those dog shit bags, found a freshly laid dogs egg and accidentally put it on his door handles, boot handle and wing mirrors......... worse was the fact that I returned to the scene of the crime hoping to catch him discovering it..... but didn't. I am a petty arsehole that bears a grudge.
• #3916
• #3917
You saucy cunt.
• #3918
i really want a land rover.
• #3919
it's nice, but where will i put the waitrose bags for life?
• #3920
Can't wait to have ignore function back. Atrollo's posts really piss me off more and more each day.
My main reason to hate him is that he has ruined my Phil bottom bracket tool, didn't want to return it for a while, and when he did, just gave it to my housemate instead. I wonder why he couldn't face me himself.
Long story short, I believe he's one of most pretentious people I've meet.
There are more reasons, but my rant is over. -
• #3921
After reflecting on my actions, and thinking long and hard about the concept of revenge and whether it makes one feel better or if it's better to turn the other cheek or simply move on and forget it and the fact that there could be impressionable youngsters reading this thread, there are some things I'd like to add: If a driver takes scant regard with your well being and you feel like smearing dog shit on his door handles, firstly get out of the zone of danger as soon as possible making a note of their registration number as a priority, if by chance you see the car parked up, take a deep breath....... count to 10........ this is important because it means you start to act logically instead of emotionally............if you are still not sufficiently calm, count to 10 again while breathing slowly..............and remember to do the boot handle and wing mirrors as well, especially if they are folded in because chances are even if he sees the shit on the door handles, he won't think about the mirrors, he will have to clean the mirrors by hand because a car wash won't do it properly. You could also, while you have shit in a bag in your hands, put some on the air intake if you can find it. There is a small chance the fucker will never feel clean again, which is the least of what you deserve when you play fuck about while driving a car.
Imagining him repeatedly washing his hands and never quite feeling clean every time he opens his car door and thinking of his face each time he starts his car and the waft of warm dog shit reaches his nose will certainly make you feel better. The best thing about it if done days or weeks after the initial incident is that he won't necessarily know exactly what it's for but as this person will almost certainly be a general cunt with a high rate of cuntish incidents per week (CIp/w) it won't matter but might well make him reappraise what people actually think of him and how he interacts with the world around him, he will at the very least not think that he is above reproach, and perhaps the next time he's tempted to play the fuckwit, he might remember his shitty fingers that day and simply not bother.
...... I never leave my bikes outside ;)
• #3922
yes :)
• #3923
Where did your post go, it was very inspirational! I already have my revenge plan worked out.
Someone shouldn't park his bike outside from now on. -
• #3924
Someone shouldn't park his bike outside from now on.
Prawns in the seat tube ?
• #3925
Dog shit was suggested, and I'd go for all contact points instead.
@Growler It stinks because everyone else has been using it.