Why Rotor cranks? The chainrings are not good science. Not much more than the nth take on non-round rings--- which have been tried off-and-on for a century--- they are more POS as "power of suggestion" than "power of science" (or to misquote Ed Burke, the father of American blood doping, "success through science") . Most of the research I've seen seems to point in the same direction on elliptical chainrings: they don't really work (and may even be counterproductive) in "real life". I won't try to contest that they may, at first, appear to "feel better".. or even that they might not deliver a placebo effect on rejeneration to some riders.. But.. like homöopathie.. they just seem to be expensive...
Why Rotor cranks? The chainrings are not good science. Not much more than the nth take on non-round rings--- which have been tried off-and-on for a century--- they are more POS as "power of suggestion" than "power of science" (or to misquote Ed Burke, the father of American blood doping, "success through science") . Most of the research I've seen seems to point in the same direction on elliptical chainrings: they don't really work (and may even be counterproductive) in "real life". I won't try to contest that they may, at first, appear to "feel better".. or even that they might not deliver a placebo effect on rejeneration to some riders.. But.. like homöopathie.. they just seem to be expensive...