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  • Can anyone suggest a long, flat(ish) saddle saddle, similar to an Arione but narrower in the forward area (not quite the nose, further back – if that makes sense)?

    Worst sentence ever ^

  • Can anyone suggest a long, flat(ish) saddle saddle, similar to an Arione but narrower in the forward area (not quite the nose, further back – if that makes sense)?


    The Zoncolan is narrow for the entire front section. Looks a bit curved at the back though.

    The Zoncolan is narrow everywhere. It's actually not that long though and it doesn't cut in (at the sides) very far back, if that's the problem. Try an Aspide maybe. It's flat (flatter than it looks in the pictures) and it's cut in quite far back.

    I have a barely-used one for sale, let me know if you're interested.

  • specialized riva


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