• #2627
Good to hear it's nothing more serious.
Get well soon, cat!he also wasnt lost he's just super friendly
Haha, so good, this just brought tears of joy to my eyes!
• #2628
Awww, get well soon, cat of Sparky!
Love all the stories of people looking after lost cats.
• #2629
+1. Bad luck about the paw but really good news it wasn't more serious.
• #2630
My freind's cat fell from a third story window. Smashed the rickety shed roof below and was fine. But he is called Megatron.
• #2631
Good solid name.
Anyone else's mog barely eating? Just wondering whether Pox is too damn hot for nom noms...
• #2632
So, Pip's foot is broken. One of his "finger" bones. But the others will splint it, so no treatment is necessary. He's on painkillers for a week, and is hobbling, but should be fighting fit in a few weeks.
The cut on his chin is scabbed over now as well, which is good. Hopefully he'll be able to clean himself and start feeling better. When I found him he was dirty and covered in leaves, cowering in a bucket, and he'd never been outside before. Must've been horrible.
He woke me up at 6.30am and demanded cuddles and strokes for 45 minutes, which is a nice way to find out that he's feeling a bit cheerier.
• #2633
^^ Pretty common. My mates cat just lays on his back whining and refuses to eat once it hits 28 degrees. Some aren't as bothered about it.
^ What happened to Pip? Glad he's on the mend.
In other news, my old cat, Doodlebug (20 yr old) that lives with my mum stopped eating dry food and is dribbling. Looks like it has a bad tooth, as his breath fucking reeks too. Its on its way to the vet now. He still noms all the wet food and is a good weight for his age and has no obvious health problems. Its clearly causing him
some discomfort though.Also, Megatron is the best name for a cat. Ever.
• #2634
Good solid name.
Anyone else's mog barely eating? Just wondering whether Pox is too damn hot for nom noms...
mine are eating very little as well.. other behaviour is normal so I put it down to the heat..
• #2635
Found a Hitler kitty living in the Castle in Bari, Italy
• #2636
Good solid name.
Anyone else's mog barely eating? Just wondering whether Pox is too damn hot for nom noms...
I put it down as Patch is being the biggest pain at the backside. She has been the same, barely touches her breakfest, munch some dry throughout the day and when I get home from work to give her dinner, she stuffs her face like I hadn't fed her for days... then she stops and leaves half her dinner untill the exact moment after I decide to throw it out then she wants more.
• #2637
Thanks guys! And gws doodlebug and pip!
• #2638
Awww, get well soon, cat of Sparky!
Love all the stories of people looking after lost cats.
this and this :)
I guess curiosity got the better of him this time Sparky. Glad he's not more seriously hurt. Poor thing :(
That's a cool new friend you've got there thedopestghost. If only cats could speak a human language, or vice versa, it would save a lot of time, bother and stress!
Although I'd probably find mine just like throwing insults at their human pet, and moaning at me for not giving them enough cuddles, wet food or Dreamies. :/
• #2639
mine are eating very little as well.. other behaviour is normal so I put it down to the heat..
This. I am having the same problem myself.
The dogs on the other hand.....
• #2640
... are eating the cats foods too!
• #2641
Forever trying. Seriously, this place has more gates, flaps, timers, barriers, toys and different types of pet food than a bloody farm!!!
• #2642
And next week I am looking after a friend's hamster! gulp
• #2643
You should get yourself one of those hand gel dispensers they have at pet zoos.
• #2644
Good solid name.
Anyone else's mog barely eating? Just wondering whether Pox is too damn hot for nom noms...
Mine is eating as normal, but drinking more water, so I am changing his water several times a day,
• #2645
Ha ha, I have OCD - of course I haz germ-killing-sanitiser-gel-spray :)
Although...I'm far less inclined to use any of that stuff, since I read several articles a while back about their ineffectiveness, and possible harmfulness, as compared with old fashioned cleaning methods such as bicarb and vinegar, or hot water and soap.
They're also ridiculously expensive.
It's one thing when you're handling food, bodily fluids or having to clean up little accidents, but in general I try not to get too dirt obsessed otherwise I'd literally never be able to leave my house as I'd be on a constant cleaning rotation.
• #2646
Patch is stuffing her face right now after demanding dinner at 7pm... I bet she went out to tell all her kitty mates her human pet isn't providing he food to her satisfaction.
Should have gotten a goldfish...
• #2647
You loves it really :)
I thought I could get away with slipping in some new brands lately, even some tinned sardines, after theirs ran out.
Turns out I was wrong. Human fail.
• #2648
Oh yes, I love it when she wakes me up at 5 every morning because that's when she wants a cuddle, some headbutt and face sniffing. If I don't comply then it's feet attack...
When I try to do the same at a sensible time, like 5pm, all I get is rejection.
I am definitely her pet, that's what humans are for.
What's the return policy and period for cats from Battesea? :-P
• #2649
5am? You get off lightly,
Mine today was 2am, 3am, 4am and 5am.
If I don't get up he goes out and comes in again, meows his head off and then attacks me, usually by pawing my face or arm.
I've found the trick is to modify my breathing as much as possible. If I sound like I'm in a deep sleep he doesn't wake me unless there is a terrible disaster of no food. If I sound like I'm awake he will wake me regardless, even just to say 'hi, I'm home' then instantly go back out again.
The feet attacks were saved for (now ex) boyfriend.
• #2650
All my cat used to do was snuggle into me until my alarm went off. I miss my cat
Poor guy :(