so i keep having a dangerous situation happen a few times to me and it stumped me why though.
Middle of accelerating traffic, a few feet out of the saddle, my chain has come off suddenly.
It is under tension so it should not come off as the chain ring teeth should hold it in place.
Is there a reason my chain keeps coming off? How do i prevent it from happening again. #Myballshurttomuch - this time i landed on the toptube as a white van was tailgating me.
Its a single speed 29er with a guard on outside of the chain ring.
so i keep having a dangerous situation happen a few times to me and it stumped me why though.
Middle of accelerating traffic, a few feet out of the saddle, my chain has come off suddenly.
It is under tension so it should not come off as the chain ring teeth should hold it in place.
Is there a reason my chain keeps coming off? How do i prevent it from happening again. #Myballshurttomuch - this time i landed on the toptube as a white van was tailgating me.
Its a single speed 29er with a guard on outside of the chain ring.