After stripping down this frame, adding some nice 5700 bits, new cables and spending ages indexing, I noticed the cables were not passing through the down tube cable stops in a straight line.
So I unscrewed the stops and found that the square pieces were rotated on both sides. I can just about move them with my fingers.
What am I looking at here? Epoxy the square bits, new frame, or just tighten up the stops and live with it?
After stripping down this frame, adding some nice 5700 bits, new cables and spending ages indexing, I noticed the cables were not passing through the down tube cable stops in a straight line.
So I unscrewed the stops and found that the square pieces were rotated on both sides. I can just about move them with my fingers.
What am I looking at here? Epoxy the square bits, new frame, or just tighten up the stops and live with it?