• #7277
With 10 speed, the 11-34 have similar gear jump as an 8 speed 12-25;
10spd 11-32 - 11 / **13 / 15 / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 **/ 26 / 30 / 34
8spd 12-25 - 12 /** 13 / 15 / 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 **/ 25
Ignore my suggestion of 11-32 and go for the 11-34, it's like having a double crankset this way;
50/34 with 12-25 = 36-112 gear inches (standard on road bike)
44 with 11-34 = 34-108 gear inches.
• #7278
actually it's 135mm with a thread on freewheel, but I'm geting a freehub and the ss wheel will go to my brother.
thanks for the suggestion though, W. Preacher.Ah and so.
• #7279
Helped to build this for a mate with grand plans for a Singapore to London extravaganza. To be fair he did do a HK to Sing jaunt but the big ride never really got going. Anyway, despite the fact that I wasn't sure abt the 26" wheels I am now the proud owner of a functional steed. It's got S&S couplers that I'll never use cos I can't afford the box but maybe one day they'll come in use.
Main fun is ferrying the daughter around, she bloody ruddy loves it! Proud Dad and all that but there is nothing better than having a 10 month old go ballistic about going for a ride, awesome!!
Only slightly annoying thing is that my knees hit the seat unless I splay my legs. Not good for long rides. Need to get seat higher even than absurd surly steerer length allows. Or new post with more setback. Or...?
• #7280
Live with it. She soon be so tall that she helmet butt you on the chin every time she see something interesting.
• #7281
That is awesome.
Problem lie with the child seat design, just bear with it as she'll grow out of it soon or get a Hamax rear child seat.
• #7282
Cushion and bungee chords on the rear rack.
• #7283
Duct tape would be more secure.
• #7284
Live with it... Couldn't think of anything worse than her having to look at my builders bum all day. At least this way I can point out cool stuff and actually see her ignore me.
Bike came with noodle drops, actually much prefer these porteur (albatros?) I had kicking around.
• #7285
Helped to build this for a mate with grand plans for a Singapore to London extravaganza. To be fair he did do a HK to Sing jaunt but the big ride never really got going. Anyway, despite the fact that I wasn't sure abt the 26" wheels I am now the proud owner of a functional steed. It's got S&S couplers that I'll never use cos I can't afford the box but maybe one day they'll come in use.
Main fun is ferrying the daughter around, she bloody ruddy loves it! Proud Dad and all that but there is nothing better than having a 10 month old go ballistic about going for a ride, awesome!!
Only slightly annoying thing is that my knees hit the seat unless I splay my legs. Not good for long rides. Need to get seat higher even than absurd surly steerer length allows. Or new post with more setback. Or...?
I get same with Yepp mini, trouble with being tall.
• #7286
It's a great design in theory except for the fact that it's a Dutch product, the tallest nation on sodding earth and even on this 64cm frame my knees touch... It's not that bad but the designers are Dutch giants for gawds sake!
• #7287
• #7288
I'd say stay away from steerer mount designs, go with something like those below instead.
https://www.google.ca/search?q=top+tube+mounted+child+seat&num=100&newwindow=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA513CA514&es_sm=119&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=eDfBU66tD462yASonICQAQ&ved=0CB0QsAQ&biw=1682&bih=956 -
• #7289
It's a great design in theory except for the fact that it's a Dutch product, the tallest nation on sodding earth and even on this 64cm frame my knees touch... It's not that bad but the designers are Dutch giants for gawds sake!
they are designed for dutch bike geometry with quite a different riding position.
I had it on my 29er and we both loved it until it got stolen. now we use the bulldog top tube mounted seat with all the same limitations knee movement wise. the dropped top tube design of the replacement bike is good for chin clearance though. -
• #7290
Eff this. If she isn't sans stabilisers in another 18 months she's banned from riding. (But I still love taking her out for now even if it means Charlie Chaplin-ing everywhere).
• #7291
I have a 1 year old that I take on my surly and she loves it too! It's the best feeling.
• #7292
Updated. Bars are perfect width for the rack.
• #7293
there is a lot of space between wheel and bars, maybe a seat could go there. Like on a porteur rack?
• #7294
Aha! Good idea....
• #7295
Well I was going to take some better pics before posting, but oh well. Many thanks Apopollo.
my bad, thought it being on instagram meant it was ready to be seen :D
• #7296
10 speed coaster brakes;
Think the body on the left hand crank is an old freewheel.
• #7297
• #7298
Pretty cool. A little pointless maybe.
• #7299
so rad
• #7300
I love that!
and thank you, Ed, for the recommendations too. Initially I was thinking smaller ring and closer ratio, but that there does make a lot of sense.