*I have some first hand knowledge of the specific Bournemouth Council attempt to implement cycling speed limits. The Ralph Mother In Law is a councilor in a neighboring town. It's a one off rather than a generalisation of the enforcement of speed limits relating to cyclists.
Consumed by their own self-importance they've passed a byelaw imposing a speed limit on cyclists but have found that it's unenforceable for the reasons I've described and which His Holiness expands upon - not wanting to lose face they've attempted to pseudo-enforce it by means of teaming up a police officer or PSCO with a Li20-20 and a council official. The police officer or fake-fed speed guns the cyclist and uses their statutory powers to demands them to stop - the cyclist commits an offence if they refuse to do so even if they've done nothing else wrong - the council official then abuses the powers vested in the accompanying plod or PCSO and delivers a condescending lecture relying on the fact that the cyclist doesn't know the law and is perfectly entitled to go on his way as soon as the plod/PCSO has no further need or justification to detain them. On at least one occasion the cyclist has been silly enough to give the council busybody a shove which has resulted in a "pursuit" involving 10+ police in cars, on foot or on bicycles and a subsequent prosecution for assault.
I'm pretty sure than there's no legislation than can be used to prosecute cyclists for exceeding the speed limit with no exetenuating circumstances on the road. I believe that there may be something in the legislation specific to the Royal Parks that may make the posted limit enforceable for cyclists.*
I read this -
**Re: Exceeding The Speed Limit On A Bicycle **
*I have some first hand knowledge of the specific Bournemouth Council attempt to implement cycling speed limits. The Ralph Mother In Law is a councilor in a neighboring town. It's a one off rather than a generalisation of the enforcement of speed limits relating to cyclists.
Consumed by their own self-importance they've passed a byelaw imposing a speed limit on cyclists but have found that it's unenforceable for the reasons I've described and which His Holiness expands upon - not wanting to lose face they've attempted to pseudo-enforce it by means of teaming up a police officer or PSCO with a Li20-20 and a council official. The police officer or fake-fed speed guns the cyclist and uses their statutory powers to demands them to stop - the cyclist commits an offence if they refuse to do so even if they've done nothing else wrong - the council official then abuses the powers vested in the accompanying plod or PCSO and delivers a condescending lecture relying on the fact that the cyclist doesn't know the law and is perfectly entitled to go on his way as soon as the plod/PCSO has no further need or justification to detain them. On at least one occasion the cyclist has been silly enough to give the council busybody a shove which has resulted in a "pursuit" involving 10+ police in cars, on foot or on bicycles and a subsequent prosecution for assault.
I'm pretty sure than there's no legislation than can be used to prosecute cyclists for exceeding the speed limit with no exetenuating circumstances on the road. I believe that there may be something in the legislation specific to the Royal Parks that may make the posted limit enforceable for cyclists.*